On Feb 4, 2009, at 4:00 AM, Martin Grotzke wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 10:24 +0100, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> On Feb 3, 2009, at 3:03 AM, Martin Grotzke wrote:
>>> This should be finished:
>>> - added the new wadl-resourcedoc-doclet and moved the
>>> ResourceDoclet from the maven-wadl-plugin to wadl-resourcedoc-doclet
>>> - added the new wadl-resourcedoc-doclet artifact as module to the
>>> contribs/pom.xml
>>> - updated the generate-wadl and extended-wadl-webapp samples to use
>>> the
>>> new artifact (instead of maven-wadl-plugin) for generating the
>>> resourcedoc
>>> - updated the wiki to reflect the changes ([1]).
>>> - added an entry to changes.txt
>>> So users of the latest SNAPSHOT (which use extended wadl via the
>>> ResourceDoclet) now should change the docletArtifact/artifactId of
>>> the
>>> maven-javadoc-plugin configuration from maven-wadl-plugin to
>>> wadl-resourcedoc-doclet (see [1])!
>> Thanks!
>> Note that you broke the build, we need to build using SE 5. So i had
>> to add dependencies to teh SE 5 profile. I dunno why this is not
>> required for SE 6.
> AFAICS I forgot to add the dependency on the wadl-resourcedoc-doclet
> in
> extended-wadl-webapp/pom.xml, this was added by you. Thanx!
> Btw: is it possible in hudson to send an email notification when the
> build broke?
I can change it so notifications get sent to the
dev_at_jersey.dev.java.net. We tend to get a couple or so a day because
of networking issues (beyond our control) when pushing artifacts to
the repo.
> Thanx for correcting my fault,
> cheers,
> Martin
>> Paul.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin
>>> [1] http://wikis.sun.com/display/Jersey/HowToConfigureExtendedWADL#HowToConfigureExtendedWADL-Configurethemavenjavadocplugintocreatetheresourcedoc.xml
>>> On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 10:46 +0100, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>>> On Jan 30, 2009, at 11:23 PM, Martin Grotzke wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> the ResourceDoclet is part of the maven-wadl-plugin as I
>>>>> introduced it
>>>>> (the ResourceDoclet) together with this plugin. The initial
>>>>> purpose of
>>>>> the plugin was to create an extended wadl (wadl enriched with
>>>>> javadoc),
>>>>> and to be able to create wadl at build time. During the
>>>>> development,
>>>>> more and more things related to the extended wadl were moved from
>>>>> the
>>>>> maven-wadl-plugin to the main jersey artifacts, so that finally
>>>>> the
>>>>> responsibility of the maven-wadl-plugin was only for creating the
>>>>> (extended) wadl at build time from maven.
>>>>> To get things completely clean the ResourceDoclet should be
>>>>> extracted as
>>>>> a separate artifact (e.g. com.sun.jersey.contribs.wadl-resource-
>>>>> doclet),
>>>>> as this is not related to maven at all. The fqn of the
>>>>> ResourceDoclet
>>>>> would not need to be changed, therefore existing configurations
>>>>> using
>>>>> the ResourceDoclet would only have to declare another dependency
>>>>> (respectively use another jar-file).
>>>>> Any objections?
>>>> No objections.
>>>> If you want this to be part of the 1.0.2 then it needs to be done
>>>> within the next three days as i would prefer to freeze features by
>>>> COB
>>>> Wednesday,
>>>> Paul.
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>>> --
>>> Martin Grotzke
>>> http://www.javakaffee.de/blog/
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