Re: [Jersey] Jersey 1.0.1: getMatchedResources and actual resources

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 16:56:52 +0100

On Feb 5, 2009, at 4:53 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

> On Feb 5, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Wilhelmsen Tor Iver wrote:
>>> What "fields" are you referring to? fields on VacationDays or fields
>>> on Employee? or do you mean method parameters?
>> Fields of the Employee object, yes.
>>> What "get()" method are you referring to? Employee.get() or
>>> VacationDays.get()?
>> The Employee get method.
>>> I presume your URI path is something like "/employee/1/vacationdays"
>>> thus the Employee.get() will never be called because the URI
>>> does not
>>> point to the correct resource it points to the vacation days
>>> resource.
>> getMatchedResource() returns a list of resource objects with the
>> correct
>> types involved in the resource path, but not "resolved"; perhaps my
>> mistake was not invoking get) manually on the Employee object in
>> order
>> to get the data object the resource represents... My confusion ws
>> probably triggered by the mistake of having the resource classes
>> extend
>> the bean classes, which I have dropped now.
>>> In the method Employee.getVacationDays() do you want to pass
>>> the value
>>> of the "id" path param to VacationDays?
>> Well, I was expecting to find it in the list from
>> getMatchedResources(),
>> but perhaps I misread the following javadocs:
> No, the path id will be accessible from the method:
> UriInfo.getPathParameters()
> and the matched paths are accessible from the method:
> UriInfo.getMatchedURIs()
> It will only be accessible if you do the following:
> @Path("/employee/{id}")
> @Produces("application/xml")
> public class Employee extends EmployeeBean {
> public String id;
> public Employee(@PathParam("id") String id) {
> = id;
> }
> @GET
> public Response get(@PathParam("id") String id, @Context
> UriInfo info) { ... }
> @Path("vacationdays")
> public VacationDays getVacationDays() {
> return new VacationDays();
> }
> }
> public class VacationDays extends VacationDaysBean {
> @GET
> public Response get(@Context UriInfo info) {
> List<Object> res = info.getMatchedResources();
> VacationDaysBean ret = null;
> if (res != null && res.size() > 0) {
> Object obj = res.get(res.size() - 1);
> *** if (obj instanceof Employee) {
> String id = ((Employee)obj).id
> }
> The declaration of "@PathParam("id") String id" on a resource method
> will result in that somehow being automatically associated with a
> field of the class.

The above should read:

   The declaration of "@PathParam("id") String id" on a resource
method will *not* result in that somehow being
   automatically associated with a field of the class.


>> 1.0.0.GA/javadocs/javax/ws/rs/core/UriInfo.html#getMatchedResources()
>> The following also seems to indicate that the actual Employee
>> object is
>> supposed to be resolved first
>> 1.0.0.GA/userguide/html/JAX-
>> RS_Resource_Locators_and_Sub_Resources.html
>> Or is this a difference between how Sun and JBoss interpret the spec?
> No, the fact that your:
> Employee.getVacationDays()
> was called means Jersey instantiated the Employee class (and then
> put it in the matched list).
>> Note: I have not yet tried to plug in RestEasy or CXF instead.
>>> 2) by reusing @PathParam in the VacationDays.get method:
>>> @GET
>>> public Response get(@PathParam("id") String id, @Context
>>> UriInfo info) {
>> Probably the best approach, yes (though I used constructors) if we
>> later
>> decide current sub-resources should move elsewhere in the resource
>> hierarchies.
>>> In sub-resource locators it is the responsibility of the application
>>> to instantiate a resource class. Jersey will not inject onto
>>> constructors or fields of the instance returned.
>> I was instantiating it, but when it is later used then the resource
>> path
>> seems absent...
>> I solved the problem by passing the id down the "pipe" and returning
>> (thus configured) resource objects in the @Path-annotated methods. So
>> now I have:
>> Root resource for /employees, handles queries and
>> {id}
>> resources
>> Is the type used for /employees/{id}, id passed in
>> constructor, handles vacationdays sub-resource, get method returns
>> EmployeeBean
>> VacationDays: Type used for Employee's vacationdays, id passed in
>> constructor, get method returns VacationDaysBean
>> Thanks for the help! I am getting somewhere now... :)
> OK, Great!
> Paul.
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