Re: [Jersey] Jersey + WEBDav problem on Tomcat 6

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 11:40:30 +0100

Hi Phil,

What version of Jersey are you using?

Have you tried supporting a simple @GET request and using a browser?

Can you send me the resource class, the URL you are using, and your
implementation of @PROPFIND?

Note that others have been working with Jersey, JAX-RS and WebDAV
without issue. Marcus, who has started a specific WebDAV project for
JAX-RS implementations, has been using Jersey without issue in this

Note that you might want to add a filter on the Tomcat side to look at
the request being sent by the MAC finder.

I am sure you can do this in Tomcat but you can also use a Jersey
filter (if using version 1.0.1) by adding the following to init-param
to the servlet of your web.xml:



On Feb 5, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Philipp Noggler wrote:

> Hello
> I’ve written a service which can handle WEBDav requests via 2
> methods marked as WEBDav related service methods by @PROFIND
> annotation. The service is registered within Tomcat but when
> accessing the Url from e.g. MAC’s finder, the call is rejected as
> the finder tells me that server cannot be found on the network. For
> the record, Tomcat is up and running properly, all the services are
> registered and I can see Log4j output when I access the service URL.
> But the WEBDav’s PROPFIND method is never called. Anyone got the
> same problem when running Jersey + WEBDav on Tomcat 6?
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Phil