Jersey + WEBDav problem on Tomcat 6

From: Philipp Noggler <>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 10:18:55 +0100


Iıve written a service which can handle WEBDav requests via 2 methods marked
as WEBDav related service methods by @PROFIND annotation. The service is
registered within Tomcat but when accessing the Url from e.g. MACıs finder,
the call is rejected as the finder tells me that server cannot be found on
the network. For the record, Tomcat is up and running properly, all the
services are registered and I can see Log4j output when I access the service
URL. But the WEBDavıs PROPFIND method is never called. Anyone got the same
problem when running Jersey + WEBDav on Tomcat 6?

Thanks in advance

