On Feb 12, 2009, at 4:38 PM, Alex Sherwin wrote:
> Paul,
> Not sure if I'm missing something here, but according to https://jersey.dev.java.net/source/browse/*checkout*/jersey/tags/jersey-1.0.2/api/contribs/jersey-apache-client/index.html
> the Apache Http Client should be in a "jersey-apache-client"
> contrib jar?
> I don't see the classes for this inside the client, core, server,
> any of the contrib jars or the jersey bundle jar.
> The contribs directory of the maven repository also doesnt have
> 1.0.2 directory, which is where I thought I would probably find it.
What directory are you referring to?
Have you tried this:
I updated the dependencies document to include a reference, see the
Core Client section: