Re: [Jersey] Custom Context type is not injected?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 11:35:56 +0100

Hi Alex,

You need to declare the generic type:

  private ContextResolver<CleanupService> cleanupService;

  public PositionRecord(@Context ContextResolver<CleanupService>
cleanupService) {
    this.cleanupService = cleanupService;

ContextResolver is not a way to provide generic injection support as
is the case with InjectableProvider. It is designed to provide some
contextual object for a given Java type e.g. for a JAXB type return a
JAXB context.

Instead it is better to define an InjectableProvider for the
CleanupService and then you can support what you require.

I can write some example code to help you in this respect. I could
even write some injectable provider code for the injection of JDO
objects on singleton and per-request resources.


On Feb 17, 2009, at 6:03 AM, Roytman, Alex wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> I created a custom service which I want to inject using @Context
> annotation. It gets loaded and registered fine.
> I can get it using
> @Context Providers providers;
> providers.getContextResolver(CleanupService.class, null);
> but any field or constructor parameter defined as @Context
> CleanupService cleanupService in Resource or another Provider is not
> injected. My resolver's getContext() method is never called.
> I will try to debug it but if you could give me some hints or if you
> think it is a bug, I would appreciate
> Thank you,
> Alex
> @Path("position")
> public class PositionRecord extends JdoResource {
> private CleanupService cleanupService;
> public PositionRecord(@Context CleanupService cleanupService) {
> this.cleanupService = cleanupService;
> }
> ....
> Context resolver is attached
> <
> CleanupServiceContextResolver
> .java
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