Re: [Jersey] Re: AbstractMethodError on requesting resource

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 09:45:19 -0000


Sorry for the intrusion - just one minor clarification

>> When in the debugger I noticed the likely issue -- the UriBuilder is
>> from the Apache CXF, not Jersey. Gah! And it looks like the 0.8 is the
>> version JSR-311 that the latest CXF uses (2.1.4, coincidentally
>> released today).

CXF 2.1.4 is the latest *maintenance* release which does support 0.8 api. CXF trunk goes with 1.0 api.

Hopefully the runtime delegate thing will help you get Jersey up and running...

Thanks, Sergey

>> I assumed the CXF version is getting loaded first because it appears
>> first in the classpath and therefore the ServiceLoader listing (or
>> something similar), so I renamed 'cxf-2.1.4.jar' to 'z-cxf-2.1.4.jar'.
>> It actually worked!
>> It looks like I can fart around with providing the correct
>> implementation with a properties file
>> somewhere or other ($java.home/lib -- really? ugh), so I'll try that.
> Yes, ugh, not ideal. Another approach might be to register the Jersey
> RuntimeDelegateImpl in that listener explicitly:
> RuntimeDelegate.setInstance(new
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.provider.RuntimeDelegateImpl());
> You could do this using your own servlet context listener. Or override
> the:
> com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServlerContainer
> and in the constructor set the runtime delegate instance.
> Would it be possible to try the above? if it works we could support a
> special feature, as an init-param, to explicitly set the runtime
> delegate.
>> But I wanted to post this so nobody wasted time on my earlier message.
> Thanks,
> Paul.
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