Re: [Jersey] Having Jersey serve resource as singleton declared in applicationContext.xml

From: Andrew Feller <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 12:18:16 -0600

Thanks for the help Paul! Sorry about the question; having difficulty
expressing it easily.

Keep up the good work once again!

On 2/23/09 12:01 PM, "Paul Sandoz" <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

> On Feb 23, 2009, at 6:53 PM, Andrew Feller wrote:
>> Let me see if I can rephrase the question:
>> Is there a way to declare a Spring bean that represents a Jersey
>> resource
>> within the Spring XML file (applicationContext.xml) and have this
>> Spring
>> bean used to process requests?
>> <bean id="blahResource"
>> class="">
>> <property name="..." value="..." />
>> <property name="..." value="..." />
>> </bean>
> I understand now. Yes you can, at the end of the email is a 2.5
> compliant applicationContext.xml we use for testing.
> Paul.
> <beans xmlns=""
> xmlns:xsi=""
> xmlns:util=""
> xmlns:context=""
> xmlns:aop=""
> xmlns:tx=""
> xsi:schemaLocation="
> ">
> <!-- Autowiring support (spring 2.5) -->
> <!--
> The AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor and
> CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor are both
> included implicitly when using the component-scan element.
> That means that the two components are autodetected and
> wired together
> -->
> <context:component-scan base-package="com.sun.jersey.spring25"/>
> <aop:aspectj-autoproxy/>
> <bean id="loggingAdvice"
> class="com.sun.jersey.spring25.LoggingAdvice" />
> <bean id="managedSingletonResource"
> class="com.sun.jersey.spring.SpringManagedSingletonResource"
> scope="singleton">
> <property name="name">
> <util:constant static-
> field="com.sun.jersey.spring.TestData.MANAGED" />
> </property>
> <property name="item" ref="singletonItem" />
> </bean>
> <bean id="managedSingletonResourceWithConstructor"
> class
> ="com.sun.jersey.spring.SpringManagedSingletonResourceWithConstructor"
> scope="singleton">
> <constructor-arg>
> <util:constant static-
> field="com.sun.jersey.spring.TestData.MANAGED" />
> </constructor-arg>
> <constructor-arg ref="singletonItem" />
> </bean>
> <bean id="managedPerRequestResource"
> class="com.sun.jersey.spring.SpringManagedPerRequestResource"
> scope="prototype">
> <property name="singletonItem" ref="singletonItem" />
> <property name="prototypeItem" ref="prototypeItem" />
> </bean>
> <bean id="managedPerRequestResourceWithConstructor"
> class
> ="com.sun.jersey.spring.SpringManagedPerRequestResourceWithConstructor"
> scope="prototype">
> <constructor-arg ref="singletonItem" />
> <constructor-arg ref="prototypeItem" />
> </bean>
> <bean id="singletonItem" class="com.sun.jersey.spring.Item"
> scope="singleton">
> <property name="value">
> <util:constant static-
> field="com.sun.jersey.spring.TestData.MANAGED" />
> </property>
> </bean>
> <bean id="prototypeItem" class="com.sun.jersey.spring.Item2"
> scope="prototype">
> <property name="value">
> <util:constant static-
> field="com.sun.jersey.spring.TestData.MANAGED" />
> </property>
> </bean>
> <bean id="namedItem3_1" class="com.sun.jersey.spring.Item3"
> scope="singleton">
> <property name="value">
> <util:constant static-
> field="com.sun.jersey.spring.TestData.VAL_1" />
> </property>
> </bean>
> <bean id="namedItem3_2" class="com.sun.jersey.spring.Item3"
> scope="singleton">
> <property name="value">
> <util:constant static-
> field="com.sun.jersey.spring.TestData.VAL_2" />
> </property>
> </bean>
> </beans>
>> On 2/23/09 11:10 AM, "Paul Sandoz" <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
>>> On Feb 23, 2009, at 6:01 PM, Andrew Feller wrote:
>>>> Good morning Paul,
>>>> So let me see if I understand this correctly (it is Monday):
>>>> 1. The @Scope('singleton') annotation will tell the Jersey
>>>> SpringServlet
>>>> that this resource should only be instantiated once.
>>>> 2. The @Component annotation will tell the Jersey SpringServlet that
>>>> this
>>>> resource should be looked up within the contextConfigLocation file
>>>> as
>>>> noted in web.xml.
>>> The above annotations are defined by the Spring API. They declare to
>>> Spring what the scope of the Spring bean is and that it is identified
>>> as a Spring bean. You could do the same in the Spring XML
>>> configuration if you wished.
>>> The Jersey Spring integration defers to Spring for to obtain an
>>> instance. Jersey determines the Spring scope under which Spring
>>> instantiates so it can inject JAX-RS/Jersey specific stuff within the
>>> constraints of the Spring scope.
>>>> 3. If I follow the previous two assumptions, then I wouldn't need to
>>>> annotate resource fields as @Resource in order to inject objects
>>>> into it; I could simply inject them while declaring the resource.
>>> I am not sure i understand you. You mean in the constructor as
>>> constructor parameters?
>>> Paul.
>>>> Thanks once again for the help!
>>>> Andrew
>>>> On 2/23/09 9:04 AM, "Paul Sandoz" <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
>>>>> On Feb 23, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Andrew Feller wrote:
>>>>>> QUESTION: Is it possible to have Jersey serve a resource as a
>>>>>> singleton yet declared within the applicationContext.xml?
>>>>> Yes. (I presume you are referring to Spring managed bean that is a
>>>>> resource class.)
>>>>>> Is this even recommended?
>>>>> Sure, if that is what you require. My preference is for per-request
>>>>> because i think it is nicer to code to and safer but sometimes
>>>>> singleton can make sense e.g. caching information in-memory on the
>>>>> singleton.
>>>>> The spring-annotations sample [1] uses the Spring singleton scope
>>>>> (using annotations, not in the applicationContext.xml, but the
>>>>> result
>>>>> is the same), for example:
>>>>> @Path("/spring-autowired")
>>>>> @Component
>>>>> @Scope("singleton")
>>>>> public class SpringAutowiredResource {
>>>>> @Autowired
>>>>> @Qualifier("1")
>>>>> private Item2 _item;
>>>>> @GET
>>>>> @Produces("application/xml")
>>>>> public Item2 getItem() {
>>>>> return _item;
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Paul.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> /1
>>>>> .0
>>>>> .2/
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>>>> Andrew Feller, Analyst
>>>> LSU University Information Services
>>>> 200 Frey Computing Services Center
>>>> Baton Rouge, LA 70803
>>>> Office: 225.578.3737
>>>> Fax: 225.578.6400
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>> --
>> Andrew Feller, Analyst
>> LSU University Information Services
>> 200 Frey Computing Services Center
>> Baton Rouge, LA 70803
>> Office: 225.578.3737
>> Fax: 225.578.6400
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Andrew Feller, Analyst
LSU University Information Services
200 Frey Computing Services Center
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Office: 225.578.3737
Fax: 225.578.6400