- [Jersey] [jersey] How can I override ContainerResponse's write() method?
- [Jersey] _at_DefaultValue
- [Jersey] _at_OPTIONS
- [Jersey] _at_Produces bug?
- [Jersey] A sample FreeMarkerProvider
- [Jersey] Access to HttpServletRequest from custom parameter class
- [Jersey] Accessing ServletContext or ServletConfig from a Provider
- [Jersey] ambiguous resource method for HTTP method
- [Jersey] Any plans to support client api in GWT
- [Jersey] Appropriate Response Code for URI param errors
- [Jersey] Binding resource to base uri
- [Jersey] Bringing RESTful "connectedness" to my existing domain objects
- [Jersey] canonical way to configure the JAXB Context used by the Client API?
- [Jersey] Case Insensitive QueryParams
- [Jersey] Changing jersey-multipart to not use JavaMail
- [Jersey] Chunking with Transfer-Encoding
- [Jersey] client LoggingFilter
- [Jersey] Collections and JAXB support
- [Jersey] Config of ExceptionMapper
- [Jersey] consuming xml
- [Jersey] Converter list problem
- [Jersey] Custom WadlGenrator Marshalling
- [Jersey] Deploying just a root resource class
- [Jersey] documentation of service
- [Jersey] EJB Dependency Injection into a RESTFul Web Service (Jersey)
- [Jersey] Entending Jersey with _at_AuthenticationParam?
- [Jersey] ExceptionMapper matching
- [Jersey] File system for virtual entities
- [Jersey] Full-fledged SSL under Jersey
- [Jersey] getRemoteAddr in Jersey-Resourse
- [Jersey] getting the allowed methods from the apache http client api
- [Jersey] handling urls with {
- [Jersey] Here is what I want to do (TDD testing with Spring)
- [jersey] How can I override ContainerResponse's write() method?
- [Jersey] how to configure web.xml to allow https+REST?
- [Jersey] How to write a proxy operation
- [Jersey] Implementing a generic javax.ws.rs.core.Response
- [Jersey] Inheriting _at_Path Question
- [Jersey] Intercepting resource invocations
- [Jersey] Interceptors
- [Jersey] Interlinking resources
- [Jersey] Is there a way to programmatically attach my excewption mappers?
- [Jersey] java to json and back
- [Jersey] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on Websphere
- [Jersey] JAX-RS Question
- [Jersey] JAXB SchemaOutputResolver
- [Jersey] JAXB tests fails with "address already in use"
- [Jersey] Jersey / JAX-RS
- [Jersey] jersey 1.0.2: issue with unmarshaling utf-8 json messages
- [Jersey] Jersey and (dynamic) basic authentication?
- [Jersey] Jersey and UriInfo.getQueryParameters()
- [Jersey] jersey as filter
- [Jersey] Jersey Client and Authentication
- [Jersey] Jersey Client API suggestion
- [Jersey] Jersey in Glassfish V3 Prelude
- [Jersey] Jersey JAXB Inheritance
- [Jersey] Jersey not converting JSON arrays correctly when marshalling objects to XML
- [Jersey] jersey not mapping requests
- [Jersey] Jersey serving the human web?
- [Jersey] Jersey servlet configuration issue
- [Jersey] Jersey-Spring: debugging applications
- [Jersey] Jersey-Spring: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.WebApplication.initiate
- [Jersey] Jersey/JDK versions
- [Jersey] JPA -> JAXB -> XML/JSON ??
- [Jersey] json + xml together
- [Jersey] JSON Arrays issue in Pet Catalog sample app
- [Jersey] Jsonp issue:jaxb can't convert to json object to user client.
- [Jersey] JSONWithPadding & Accept headers
- [Jersey] Marshaling JAXB objects including stylesheet information
- [Jersey] Matched content type from list of candidates?
- [Jersey] Mixing templates with JAXB
- [Jersey] Native JSON binding using JacksonJsonProvider
- [Jersey] Newbie question: How do I inject objects into resources
- [Jersey] non-GET methods not working
- [Jersey] Null pointer exception in jaxb unmarshalling
- [Jersey] On holiday from Mon 2nd to Fri 6th of March.
- [Jersey] Possible bug injecting (trying to) custom _at_Context object, using jersey 1.0.
- [Jersey] Problem with ServletContainer - Jersey
- [Jersey] read time-out when processing form post
- [Jersey] Registering a ResourceFilterFactory using Jersey api
- [Jersey] Representation addressability and the _at_Path annotation
- [Jersey] Resource life cycle and injections
- [Jersey] RESTful API with optional XML elements/JSON properties
- [Jersey] retry configuration for ApacheHttpClient
- [Jersey] Running resources as a service
- [Jersey] serving helloworld-webapp in jetty
- [Jersey] ServletContext?
- [Jersey] Spring and XmlWebApplicationContext
- [Jersey] SubResource locators and _at_Context injection...
- [Jersey] Tomcat
- [Jersey] Trouble accessing resource
- [Jersey] Unable to create responses with Response.build()
- [Jersey] Unmarshaling JAXB object from JSON
- [Jersey] Unmarshalling list of Jaxb elements using jersey client
- [Jersey] Upload a file from form input,But hava got file is bad.
- [Jersey] Uploading files using Jersey client
- [Jersey] Using annotated POJOs to build client request
- [Jersey] Using Jersey 1.x for JAX-RS along CXF 2.1.x for JAX-WS
- [Jersey] Using jersey: Installation and configuration
- [Jersey] Very Large files causing java Out of Memory error
- [Jersey] WADL + Ant
- [Jersey] WadlResource
- [Jersey] WadlResource, stylesheets for Wadl documents, custom marshalling
- [Jersey] Where to put app-managed JPA code when using JAX-RS
- [Jersey] Writing a MessageBodyWriter
- [Jersey] XML Interoperabilty and Jersey/JAX-RS
- [wikis.sun.com] Jersey > WADL]
- _at_DefaultValue
- _at_Produces bug?
- A sample FreeMarkerProvider
- A taster of Jersey/JAX-RS with EJB 3.1
- Access to HttpServletRequest from custom parameter class
- Accessing ServletContext or ServletConfig from a Provider
- Any plans to support client api in GWT
- application.wadl stylesheet
- Appropriate Response Code for URI param errors
- array handling in JAXB to JSON conversion
- Binding resource to base uri
- canonical way to configure the JAXB Context used by the Client API?
- Case Insensitive QueryParams
- Changing jersey-multipart to not use JavaMail
- Chunking with Transfer-Encoding
- client LoggingFilter
- CloseableService
- Collections and JAXB support
- Config of ExceptionMapper
- confirm subscribe to users_at_jersey.dev.java.net
- consuming xml
- Custom WadlGenrator Marshalling
- Deploying just a root resource class
- documentation of service
- EJB Dependency Injection into a RESTFul Web Service (Jersey)
- Entending Jersey with _at_AuthenticationParam?
- ExceptionMapper matching
- first steps of the footprint service
- getRemoteAddr in Jersey-Resourse
- getting the allowed methods from the apache http client api
- handling urls with {
- Here is what I want to do (TDD testing with Spring)
- how to configure web.xml to allow https+REST?
- How to write a proxy operation
- Implementing a generic javax.ws.rs.core.Response
- Inheriting _at_Path Question
- Intercepting resource invocations
- Interceptors
- Interlinking resources
- Is there a way to programmatically attach my excewption mappers?
- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on Websphere
- JAX-RS Question
- JAXB SchemaOutputResolver
- JAXB tests fails with "address already in use"
- Jersey / JAX-RS
- jersey / spring (resend due to mailing list problems, sorry)
- jersey 1.0.2: issue with unmarshaling utf-8 json messages
- Jersey and (dynamic) basic authentication?
- Jersey and UriInfo.getQueryParameters()
- jersey as filter
- Jersey Client and Authentication
- Jersey Client API suggestion
- Jersey in Glassfish V3 Prelude
- Jersey JAXB Inheritance
- Jersey multipart/form-data, can _at_FormParam support arrays?
- Jersey not converting JSON arrays correctly when marshalling objects to XML
- Jersey serving the human web?
- Jersey servlet configuration issue
- Jersey-Spring: debugging applications
- Jersey-Spring: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.WebApplication.initiate
- Jersey/JDK versions
- JPA -> JAXB -> XML/JSON ??
- json + xml together
- JSONWithPadding & Accept headers
- Marshaling JAXB objects including stylesheet information
- Matched content type from list of candidates?
- Mixing templates with JAXB
- Native JSON binding using JacksonJsonProvider
- Newbie question: How do I inject objects into resources
- non-GET methods not working
- Null pointer exception in jaxb unmarshalling
- Possible bug injecting (trying to) custom _at_Context object, using jersey 1.0.
- Possible bug injecting (trying to) custom _at_Context object, using jersey 1.0.2
- Problem with ServletContainer - Jersey
- read time-out when processing form post
- Registering a ResourceFilterFactory using Jersey api
- Representation addressability and the _at_Path annotation
- Resource life cycle and injections
- RESTful API with optional XML elements/JSON properties
- RESTful URIs
- retry configuration for ApacheHttpClient
- Running resources as a service
- serving helloworld-webapp in jetty
- ServletContext?
- Spring and XmlWebApplicationContext
- Strange WebApplicationExceptions
- SV: [Jersey] Jersey and UriInfo.getQueryParameters()
- Tomcat
- Trouble accessing resource
- Unable to create responses with Response.build()
- Unmarshaling JAXB object from JSON
- Unmarshalling list of Jaxb elements using jersey client
- Uploading files using Jersey client
- Using annotated POJOs to build client request
- Using Jersey 1.x for JAX-RS along CXF 2.1.x for JAX-WS
- Using jersey: Installation and configuration
- WADL with implicit views
- WadlResource
- WadlResource, stylesheets for Wadl documents, custom marshalling
- Where to put app-managed JPA code when using JAX-RS
- Writing a MessageBodyWriter
- XML Interoperabilty and Jersey/JAX-RS
- Last message date: Wed Mar 11 11:21:46 2009
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT