Re: [Jersey] Uploading files using Jersey client

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:42:52 +0100

Hi Imran,

You missed the "name" parameter in your:

"form-data; filename=userfile; size=983");


"form-data; name=file, filename=userfile; size=983");

I agree with you this needs to be improved, and by chance i am working
on that as you send your email :-)

The approach i am taking is a builder patter to build an instance of


On Mar 19, 2009, at 11:20 AM, Imran M Yousuf wrote:

> Thanks a lot to both Paul and Naresh. But now I am stuck with a
> problem from Jersey Client :).
> I am using the following code on the server side -
> @Path("test")
> @Consumes({MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA})
> public void testFileAttachment(
> @FormParam("file") final
> InputStream fileStream,
> @FormParam("file") final
> FormDataContentDisposition disposition) {
> //The problem is disposition does not have any information :(
> System.out.println(disposition.getFileName()); //null
> }
> The client code is -
> InputStream imageStream =
> getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
> "Splash-resized.jpg");
> MediaType imageType = new MediaType("image", "jpeg");
> FormDataMultiPart part = new FormDataMultiPart();
> FormDataMultiPart bodyPart = part.field("file",
> imageStream, imageType);
> bodyPart.getHeaders().putSingle("Content-Type",
> imageType.toString());
> bodyPart.getHeaders().putSingle("Content-Disposition",
> "form-data; filename=userfile; size=983");
> resource.type(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE).post(
> part);
> I am pretty sure I am doing some stupidly wrong but I am not sure what
> and where :(. Can someone please guide me in correcting it?
> Also I would actually like if the following code would automatically
> add headers for content -
> File file = new File("src/test/resources/Splash-
> resized.jpg");
> MediaType imageType = new MediaType("image", "jpeg");
> FormDataMultiPart part = new FormDataMultiPart();
> FormDataMultiPart bodyPart = part.field("file", file,
> imageType);
> resource.type(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE).post(
> part);
> Do you think its worth a change?
> Thank you,
> Imran
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Paul Sandoz <>
> wrote:
>> On Mar 19, 2009, at 10:41 AM, Naresh wrote:
>>> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>>> HI Naresh, Imran,
>>>> The media type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is the wrong
>>>> media
>>>> type to use for uploading files.
>>> My apologies...
>>> I thought it works with "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" too.
>>> Thanks for correcting me Paul.
>> No apology required :-) The following section of the HTML spec is
>> worth
>> reading:
>> Paul.
>>> -Naresh
>>>> The media type "application/form-data" needs to be used.
>>>> See the following email for an attachment that contains a simple
>>>> maven
>>>> project using forms:
>>>> backward+page:1+mid:qbkax55u7crqu7wi+state:results
>>>> I think we need a good sample showing the use of various forms.
>>>> Hint
>>>> hint to any one who wants to contribute one :-)
>>>> Note that i am in the process of fixing a number of bugs and
>>>> improving
>>>> form-data processing. I will deprecate the use of @FormParam with
>>>> "multipart/form-data". Instead developers will be encouraged to use
>>>> @FormDataParam which will not overload the semantics of
>>>> @FormParam and
>>>> will i think cause less confusion, and plus is a place i can clear
>>>> document behavior for multipart/form-data support.
>>>> Paul.
>>>> On Mar 19, 2009, at 10:23 AM, Naresh wrote:
>>>>> Imran M Yousuf wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Naresh <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Imran,
>>>>>>> please check the [simple-servlet] sample. It has the code
>>>>>>> sample for
>>>>>>> submitting a form.
>>>>>>> [simple-servlet]
>>>>>> Thanks. Any idea how I could add an attachment to the Form?
>>>>> You can use the HTML file control for uploading files, and
>>>>> @FormParam
>>>>> annotation for accessing the file.
>>>>> The following is a sample code:
>>>>> @POST
>>>>> @Path("form")
>>>>> @Produces("text/plain")
>>>>> public String getFileContents(@FormParam ("inputfile") InputStream
>>>>> fileStream) {
>>>>> ....
>>>>> }
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Naresh
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Naresh
>>>>>>> Imran M Yousuf wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Can someone please help me find code sample for submitting a
>>>>>>>> form
>>>>>>>> (preferably includes a file attachment) using Jersey Client
>>>>>>>> API?
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
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> --
> Imran M Yousuf
> Entrepreneur & Software Engineer
> Smart IT Engineering
> Dhaka, Bangladesh
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> Mobile: +880-1711402557
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