It looks one of our webservice customers will be implementing their clients using .NET 3.5 and C#. I've been looking around the wiki and mailing lists to see if there are any issues regarding XML interoperability and Jersey/JAXB.
The Sun JAX-WS reference implementation included in Metro web services stack ( includes the WSIT (Web Services Interoperabilty Toolkit) extension. It's supposed to support interop with the Windows Communication Framework (WCF) in .NET 3.0/3.5.
Are there similar/different issues for .NET 3.5 clients and Jersey?
JAX-RS avoids a lot of the interop issues by avoiding the WS-* standards. Has anyone used .NET 3.5 to integrate with Jersey (JAX-RS) web services?
Mark A. Rabick
Software Engineer
Northrop Grumman - Integrated Mission Systems (IS/DSD/IMS)