James Strachan wrote:
> 2009/3/3 Bill de hOra <bill_at_dehora.net>:
>> I thought it was something goofy in java.net.URI, but debugging this call it
>> seems like there is a method in UriComponent class that is not fully
>> encoding the query string, ie calling,
>> UriComponent.contextualEncode("start=^%|{rndstart}",
>> UriComponent.Type.QUERY, true)
>> returns start=%5E%25%7C{rndstart} leaving '{', '}' not encoded.
>> Does anyone else agrees this is a bug? If so I'll file a ticket and submit a
>> patch anon.
> Spooky I've just hit this too today Bill! :) Yeah it looks like a bug to me.
Hi James,
I think we hit it because we have devious testers ;) Ok, I'll file a bug.
> BTW the main reason I hit it is the user navigable auto-generated HTML
> representation of the REST API tends to use expressions like {id}
> inside the URIs. More background here..
(such a nice feature)