> Yes, what version of Jersey are you using? and what Web container are
> you using?
> Jersey can support:
> @Path("/") public class Slash { ... }
> @Path("/{projects}") public class Projects { ... }
> So that
> http://localhost/webapp/resource/
> maps to the root resource Slash. And,
> http://localhost/webapp/resource/1234
> maps to the root resource Projects.
> However as Naresh and I observe:
> http://localhost/webapp/resource
> maps to the root resource Projects. Which is definitely a bug,
> possibly in servlet as the URI pattern "resources/*" does not match.
> Naresh could you log an issue with Jersey so we do not forget to
> investigate further?
> Paul.
Thanks Paul, thanks Naresh
Im trying jersey 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 on IBM Websphere AS All
works perfectly exept the @Path("/").
http://localhost/webapp/resource/ and
in my case maps to Project resource, and
uriInfo.getPathParameters().getFirst("project") returns "resource".
Best regards,