[Jersey] ambiguous resource method for HTTP method

From: Javi Moran <>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:51:42 +0100


I am a newcomer to the jersey project, I am playing with the resources
and I have the following question/problem.

I have a class which is a resource and I added to it two methods with
the annotation @GET. I wanted one of them was the one invoked when in
the http request URL I had a paramater paramA and a second method to be
invoked when the http request I received had a parameter paramB. The
code is:

    public String getParamA(@QueryParam("paramA") String paramA) {

        if (paramA == null) {
            throw new

        return "Echo " + paramA;

    public String getParamB(@QueryParam("paramB") String paramB) {

        if (paramB == null) {
            throw new
        return "Echo " + paramB;


When I run this I get the runtime error:

GRAVE: A resource, class, has
ambiguous resource method for HTTP method GET and output mime-type:
text/plain. The problematic mime-type sets (as defined by @Produces
annotation at Java methods getParamA and getParamB) are [text/plain] and
10-mar-2009 17:40:47

com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: Fatal issues found at
class See logs for more details.

So, the question is ?

   (*) Is there an error in jersey or in my installation or isn't
there ?
   (*) If there isn't an error, cannot you design the things in the way
I did ?

Javier Moran Rua