I tought I was forced to use JAXB, but if I can expose my entities
directly in the resources, much better ... let me see.............
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Arul Dhesiaseelan <arul_at_fluxcorp.com> wrote:
> Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
>> then I have the persistence layer based on JPA (@Entity).. and I need
>> JAXB annotated types in order to serialize them through my Jersey
>> resources ....
>> how do you do this conversion ?
>> design alternatives also helps.. in case Jersey is not designed to
>> work on top of a persistence layer.............
> You could see the bookmark example which uses JPA and JSON. You could easily
> change it to use JAXB.
> I prefer to avoid conversion at various layers, so you could probably
> annotate your JPA entity using JAXB. But, it all depends how you want to
> expose your model to the users. In my case, I had to add @XmlTransient for
> some of the data which should not be exposed to users.
> HTH,
> -Arul
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