In addition to what Naresh says, please see the following email:
Also you might want to look at the Hello world web app sample:
which is a simple maven project to create a war file that can be
deployed on Tomcat or Glasssfish etc.
Even if you do not use maven i think it is worth looking at this
sample as it contains all that is required to get started with
configuration. Plus it is very easy to build: get maven 2.0.9 and run
"mvn install" and a war file will be generated in the target directory.
Hope this helps,
On Mar 19, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Naresh wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried bundling the war file with the jersey JAR files and deployed
> it on Tomcat, and it worked. I did not do any additional setup for
> Tomcat.
> For the list of Jersey JAR files which you will have to bundle in your
> application, please have a look at the Jersey [dependencies] page.
> [dependencies]
> https://jersey.dev.java.net/source/browse/*checkout*/jersey/tags/jersey-1.0.2/jersey/dependencies.html
> Thanks,
> Naresh
> Le Roux Bernard wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How install Jersey , config, run with Tomcat ?
>> Thanks,
>> blr21560
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