On Mar 5, 2009, at 7:29 PM, Alex Vollmer wrote:
> Is there a way to mix the default JAXB XML output with the Viewable
> templating stuff based on content negotiation? What I want is to
> define a resource method that returns a JAXB-annotated model object.
> If the the request is for XML, return XML. If it's for html then
> defer to the JSP template.
You can do things explicitly:
public Bean getBean() {
public Viewable getViewable() {
return new Viewable("index", this);
If you want to above behavior implicitly, then if you are using Jersey
1.0.2, you can do:
public class MyResource {
public Bean getBean() {
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --Alex
> --
> Musings and notes -- http://alexvollmer.com