It's looks like that the list of entities which contains unicode
characters are unmarshaled in incorrect way from the json. Seems that
problem is in the following piece of code:
package com.sun.jersey.json.impl.provider.entity;
public class JSONListElementProvider extends AbstractListElementProvider
protected final XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader(Class<?>
elementType, MediaType mediaType, Unmarshaller u, InputStream
entityStream) throws XMLStreamException {
JSONConfiguration c = JSONConfiguration.DEFAULT;
if (u instanceof JSONConfigurated) {
c = ((JSONConfigurated) u).getJSONConfiguration();
return Stax2JsonFactory.createReader(new
InputStreamReader(entityStream), c,
JSONHelper.getRootElementName((Class)elementType), true);
In our case this problem was fixed by modification this code in the
following way:
package com.sun.jersey.json.impl.provider.entity;
public class JSONListElementProvider extends AbstractListElementProvider
protected final XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader(Class<?>
elementType, MediaType mediaType, Unmarshaller u, InputStream
entityStream) throws XMLStreamException {
JSONConfiguration c = JSONConfiguration.DEFAULT;
final Charset charset = getCharset(mediaType);
if (u instanceof JSONConfigurated) {
c = ((JSONConfigurated) u).getJSONConfiguration();
return Stax2JsonFactory.createReader(new
InputStreamReader(entityStream, charset), c,
JSONHelper.getRootElementName((Class)elementType), true);
We recompiled corresponded class with our fix and put it into the
classpath before the original jars.
Best Regards,
Sergey Privalov