Hi Samuel,
ContextResolver is not designed as a mechanism of inject of a type
using @Context.
If you declare:
public class MyContextResolver implements
then you can inject:
@Context ContextResolver<MyContext> cr;
If you want to support:
@Context MyContext c;
then you need to register a Jersey injectable provider, for example:
public class MyContextProvider extends
SingletonTypeInjectableProvider<Context, MyContext> {
public MyContextProvider() {
super(new MyContext());
SingletonTypeInjectableProvider is a helper class that supports
injection of a singleton instance.
On Mar 10, 2009, at 12:58 AM, Samuel Le Berrigaud wrote:
> So I want to inject my own @Context object.
> I have the the interface of the type to be injected and the associated
> resolver. Something like:
> public interface MyContext
> {
> }
> @Provider
> public class MyContextResolver implements ContextResolver<MyContext>
> {
> public MyContext getContext(Class type)
> {
> return MyContext.class.equals(type) ? new MyContext() {} : null;
> }
> }
> Unfortunately "somewhere" this doesn't work for me. And I think I have
> located the somewhere. The ContextResolver does get picked up
> correctly and gets registered as an InjectableProvider<Context, Type>.
> I believe there could be an issue in the following piece of code,
> found at lines 134 to 151 of the
> com.sun.jersey.core.spi.factory.ContextResolverFactory:
> public Injectable getInjectable(ComponentContext ic, Context ac,
> Type c) {
> if (!(c instanceof ParameterizedType))
> return null;
> ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType)c;
> if (pType.getRawType() != ContextResolver.class)
> return null;
> Type type = pType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
> // TODO check if concrete type
> final ContextResolver cr = getResolver(ic, type);
> if (cr == null) return null;
> return new Injectable() {
> public Object getValue() {
> return cr;
> }
> };
> }
> Here the "Type c" parameter is assumed to be of type ContextResolver.
> But what I get when debugging is different. The Type is the actual
> type of object to be injected, so in my case not MyContextResolver but
> MyContext. I believe this is correct according to the javadocs. This
> would mean that this implementation doesn't do at all what it is
> supposed to be doing. Moreover the getInjectable should return
> MyContext not a ContextResolver AFAIK.
> So currently the code doesn't get passed the first if statement for
> me, as MyContext is not a ParameterizedType.
> Later in this method, if I change the type in this method call
> "getResolver(ic, type)" to MyContextResolver I can access the
> correctly registered MyContextResolver and from there access
> MyContext.
> So is that a bug? Am I missing something obvious? Anyone has had the
> same issue? I could find anything in bugzilla…
> Hope this all makes sense,
> Any help appreciated,
> SaM
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