Re: [Jersey] Re: Documentation of resource via javadoc or annotations [WAS: Re: [] Jersey > WADL]

From: Andrew Ochsner <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 08:30:35 -0700

I would tend to agree with you. Having annotations for things that are
strictly documentation seems a bit odd to me. Feels like that's more of
what javadoc's purpose is. The problem we run into is that we know the
documentation and the code will get out of sync so the more information we
can grab from reflection & annotations needed by the runtime, the better
we'll be.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Christopher Piggott <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Martin Grotzke wrote:
> >When I started with extended wadl I also thought about this
> >and decided not to mix up runtime/application logic with
> >information that is only relevant for documentation
> That crossed my mind, but isn't there a case where it would be useful
> to know at run-time? Suppose for instance a client asks for something
> as an application/something+xml but I can't fullfill the request.
> Instead, I am going to return say an HTTP 500, and an object that's
> actually an application/some_error+xml. Would there be any advantage
> to the runtime knowing that I intend to do this?
> --Chris
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