Re: [Jersey] Binding resource to base uri

From: Naresh <bsnaresh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 11:10:08 +0530


I tried this.

1. http://localhost/resource/ goes to the first resource
2. http://localhost/resource goes to the second one.

But I'm not sure why (2) is going to the second resource, and showing
"resource" as the path parameter value for "project".


???? ????????? wrote:
> Hello!
> I`m new in RS. I`ve started with jersey and got a little problem: I
> mapped jersey servlet to "resource/*" and created resources with
> @Path("/") and @Path("{project}/"). When I'm trying to GET
> "http://localhost/resource/" it returns the "{project}/" resource, not
> "/". The uriInfo.getPathParameters().getFirst("project") returns
> "resource"... Is it possible to bind resource to "/"?
> Thanks in advance.
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