On Mar 19, 2009, at 9:57 PM, Daniel Manzke wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> thanks for testing and helping me. I tested it with Tomcat and
> Grizzly, but didn't saw that chunking was used. I tried Curl also,
> but with an Method with produces (application/octet-stream).
OK. Looks like one needs to configure either. I suspect there is
something in Grizzly, you might want to try asking:
> The CHUNKING_SIZE is not specified in the JAX-WS API, it's an
> internal Metro feature. (Before I started developing REST-Services,
> I was a User and Contributor to the Metro Project.)
> Ok, I will have to do some additinal Research.
Good luck. If you find any relevant information please let me know if
we need to do something in Jersey to make it easier for you.