I want to develop a RESTful API, which would differentiate between no
occurance of an XML element/undefined JSON property and a xsi:nil
element/null property.
Why? Take for example a PUT request to /users/15:
<comapnyId xsi:nil="true"/>
This would remove the user from a company, while leaving everything
else unchanged. Similarly:
would change the user's password, while leaving the company unchanged.
I would also use this in the opposite direction, with GET requests,
when requesting different "views" (subsets) of a resource: no
<company> element would mean that the company was simply not retrieved
and the full representation must be fetched, while a nil element would
mean that there is no company set for the user.
First of all, does anyone see any problems with this design?
Secondly, how would I ago about implementing this?
In Javascript there's a difference between no object property ("if
(prop in obj)" or "if (obj.prop === undefined)") and a null property
("if (obj.prop === null"). Similarly in PHP and others.
In Java I guess I would need another field, for example xxxDefined for
each field. Or are there any smarter alternatives?
Has anyone done anything similar yet?