Re: [Jersey] Jersey in Glassfish V3 Prelude

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:47:37 +0100

Hi Eric,

I am wondering which is the "built in Jersey implementation" if you
removed 1.0.1 from GF.

Could you send me the contents of the GF v3 directory as i would like
to know if Jersey was correctly removed or not.

Are you using NetBeans? if so i am wondering if NetBeans is adding
version 1.0 jars to the war. What are the jar files in your WEB-INF/
lib of your war file?

Did you try installing 1.0.2 from the update center?


On Mar 14, 2009, at 8:39 PM, Erdinc Yilmazel wrote:

> Even though I removed Jersey 1.0.1 from my glassfish v3 prelude
> installation using the updatetool, It seems to ignore Jersey 1.0.2
> jars that is in my war file and uses the built in jersey
> implementation. I ended up with this conclusion because attached
> debugger does not stop on any breakpoints on classes that are in
> jersey-server-1.0.2.jar. I can not make jersey 1.0.2 specific features
> like resource method specific filters work using GF3 Prelude.
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