Re: [Jersey] Jersey in Glassfish V3 Prelude

From: Jakub Podlesak <Jakub.Podlesak_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:41:30 +0100

Hi Erdinc,

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 07:39:31PM +0000, Erdinc Yilmazel wrote:
> Even though I removed Jersey 1.0.1 from my glassfish v3 prelude
> installation using the updatetool, It seems to ignore Jersey 1.0.2
> jars that is in my war file and uses the built in jersey
> implementation. I ended up with this conclusion because attached

Could you check glassfish/modules subdirectory? Does it contain
jersey-bundle.jar file? If yes, the updatetool did not do the job right,
then you might want to report the bug and remove the file manually.

> debugger does not stop on any breakpoints on classes that are in

it could be also that the debugger is configured to ignore some classes.
Namely in netbeans, you need to explicitly check jar files in Windows->Debugger->Sources
in certain cases to get debugger hit breakpoints there

> jersey-server-1.0.2.jar. I can not make jersey 1.0.2 specific features
> like resource method specific filters work using GF3 Prelude.

You could make sure class-loader delegate property is set to false
in your sun-web.xml file (<class-loader delegate="false"/>)
and bundle jersey jars of a specific version with your war file.
Does it work?



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