Is UriInfo.getQueryParameters supposed to work? I have tried in 1.0.1,
1.0.2 and 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT and all three give an empty map and calls to
getFirst() return null for the parameters I know are in the query.
Extract from the root resource class in question:
public class Employees {
UriInfo info;
/** Detailed resource */
public Object get(@PathParam("id") String id) {
id = id.toUpperCase();
return new Employee(id);
@XmlElementWrapper(name = "employee-summaries")
@XmlElement(name = "employee-summary")
public List<EmployeeSummaryBean> query() {
List<EmployeeSummaryBean> ret = null;
if (info != null) {
MultivaluedMap<String, String> params =
String name = params.getFirst("name");
String organization =
At this point, both values are null. I have also tried using argument
injection instead of attribute injection, as if that would make a
For the time being I just inject the HttpServletRequest and pick up the
parameter values from that, but I would have loved to stick with the
JAX-RS API :) In particular because this might later be deployed into an
ESB that might have a custom handling of UriInfo which picks values from
a Message instead...
Is this a known bug or something? I searched the issue tracker to no
- Tor Iver