On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:41 AM, Rabick, Mark A (MS) <Mark.Rabick_at_ngc.com> wrote:
> I'm also interested in including stylesheet info in the returned xml
> output. I can use the JAXB schemagen task or bat file to generate the
> xsd outside of my normal build process but don't know how to dynamically
> generate the schema on the server (in the webapp) and get a common URI
> for the xsd (like the application.wadl). I'd be interested in seeing
> the rest code that actually passes in the URI to your code below...
In addition to Paul's suggestion, an alternative would be to use
XMLStreamWriter -- you can initialize the stream, write xml decl (with
writeStartDocument), any comments, PIs you want, and then call
-+ Tatu +-