OK, this is clearly not a Jersey problem. I find I can reliably force
the server to hit my method upon server restart if I delete the
TOMCAT_HOME/work and TOMCAT_HOME/temp directories before starting the
server again. Something's pooched in my tomcat deployment I guess.
Sorry for the distraction.
On 24-Mar-09, at 7:48 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Mar 24, 2009, at 1:45 PM, Rod Fitzsimmons Frey wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply, Paul. To answer your questions: I'm using
>> default Tomcat logging, whatever comes out of the box. I'm just
>> accessing commons logging. Newb question: is there some way to
>> turn on detailed logging within Jersey so I can see what class is
>> returning the 201?
> Unfortunately not.
> I presume that you have installed your app that the 201 is actually
> being returned from the UsersResource if you are using the same
> request URL.
> How are you mapping your exceptions?