array handling in JAXB to JSON conversion

From: Moiz Dohadwala <>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 12:14:17 -0800


I have a list of objects that I need to stream out as JSON to a YUI datatable using JAXB.

Essentially, the simplified object model is:

 class ItemList {
            List<Item> items;

            long totalCount;

 class Item {
            String field1;
String field2;

The json needs to look like:

             Items :[ {field1: value1, field2: value2}, {field1: value3, field2:value4}
totalCount: 2

The totalCount is used in pagination.

It works well so long as we have a list size >0. If it is an empty list, The json comes out as:

totalCount: 0

This causes the YUI table to display "Data Error" instead of "No records found".

I have specified the JSONConfiguration as below:

JSONConfiguration.MappedBuilder builder = JSONConfiguration.mapped();

Class<?>[] types = {ItemList.class, Item.class};
JSONConfiguration configuration =;
this.context = new JSONJAXBContext(configuration,types);

is there a way to force an empty array field in the json?

Thank you.
