[WebDAV] How to register WebDAV with Jersey?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2009 22:37:08 +0100

Dear Jersey Community,


as some people had problems registering WebDAV Support for Jersey with the
Jersey Runtime, here is a short step-by-step solution, basing on the quite
popular TomCat product:


(1) Always use the latest WebDAV code.


WebDAV is under heavy construction, so you should use the latest bug fixes
always. The code is found in SVN trunk
( and can
be built using "mvn clean install". Certainly the resulting library must be
either installed in the lib-folder oder TomCat, or must be part of the
lib-folder of your .war file.


(2) Application class is obligatory.


Chapter 2.1 "Configuration" of the JAX-RS 1.0 specification says: "The
resources and providers that make up a JAX-RS application are configured via
an application-supplied subclass of Application.".


While this is not WebDAV specific so far, here comes the particular WebDAV
addition: You must implement the getSingletons method of your application in
a way that actively registers an instance of WebDavContextResolver, since
"WebDAV Support for JAX-RS" is implemented as a provider class in the sense
of the JAX-RS specification. Also, if you want to use custom extensions to
WebDAV, these must be registered in turn with the WebDavContextResolver so
"WebDAV Support for JAX-RS" will know how to handle them.




public Set<Object> getSingletons() {

  try {

    return new HashSet<Object>(Arrays.asList(new WebDavContextResolver(/*
custom extensions to be listed HERE */)));

  } catch (final JAXBException e) {


    return null;




(3) Publication of application is obligatory.


Chapter 2.3.2 "Servlet" of the JAX-RS 1.0 specification says: " When using a
non-JAX-RS aware servlet container, the servlet-class element of the web.xml
descriptor SHOULD name the JAX-RS implementation-supplied Servlet class. The
application-supplied subclass of Application is identified using an
init-param with a param-name of".


Since this sample is using TomCat 6, and TomCat 6 is not JAX-RS-aware, we
have to do what the specification says.






  <!-- Tell Servlet-Container that we want to use JAX-RS -->




    <!-- Tell Servlet-Container that we want to use WebDAV -->






That's it. This is the sole difference between Jersey in common, and Jersey
with WebDAV-Support. I hope you all now have more luck with your WebDAV
trials. :-)


Have Fun
