Re: [Jersey] WADL and resource wide params

From: Martin Grotzke <>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 03:20:20 +0100

Hi Andrew,

the trick is to use the param in some resource method:

public class DevicesResource {
    public String echo( @PathParam( "guid" ) String guid ) {
        return guid;

Without this, it doesn't show up in the wadl. Right now, the wadl param
element attached to the resource is the wadl param that was found as
param in some method.

Therefore, it's enough for you to java-document the method param to get
the wadl param documented.

To be able to supply a resource wide param documentation like what I
suggested (e.g. @pathparam.guid in your case, on class level) the code
building the wadl would have to be refactored. This would also be
required to have better support for resource params, e.g. when they are
used as class fields - AFAICS those would get dropped now (that's why I
couldn't produce the wadl param at first, I just used the path param as
a field withing the resource class).

I'll enter an issue for this (the next days).

However, you should have a solution for now - at least I hope so :)


On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 10:58 -0700, Andrew Ochsner wrote:
> So, I'm using 1.0.1 right now...not sure if that matters...
> Have a class that looks similar to this:
> @Path("devices/{guid}")
> @Service
> @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
> @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
> public class DevicesResource {}...
> And wadl section like this:
> <ns2:resource
> path="devices/{guid}"><ns2:doc><![CDATA[Comments
> here]]></ns2:doc><ns2:param
> type="xs:string" style="template" name="guid"
> xmlns:xs=""/>....
> I'm using just the ResourceDoclet and WadlGeneratorResourceDocSupport.
> See this behavior both when generating wadl at build time using my Ant
> task as well as when generated at runtime
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 9:46 PM, Martin Grotzke
> <> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> I just wanted implement the support for documentation of
> resource wide
> path params.
> However, when I set the @Path annotation on the resource class
> to
> like "/items/{someparam}" I don't see a param element for this
> resource
> in the generated wadl.
> Can you post your resource class?
> How are you generating the wadl file?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 11:26 -0700, Andrew Ochsner wrote:
> > So I have a resource whose path is
> @Path(/resource/{selector}) When
> > i generate wadl, it does insert a resource wide param
> element. Is
> > there any way (via javadoc or some other) to add a
> description to that
> > resource wide parameter?
> >
> > Andy o

Martin Grotzke