- 'under dual CDDL + GPL license' means?
- [Jersey] 'under dual CDDL + GPL license' means?
- [Jersey] [WADL] How to make local schema navigated in WADL grammars
- [Jersey] Abstract JSON serialization problem in 1.1.2-ea
- [Jersey] AbstractResources
- [Jersey] Accessing Request Parameters in MessageBodyWriter?
- [Jersey] Accessing the response object (in standard JSR311)
- [Jersey] Adding Header to Response
- [Jersey] AnnotatedClassScanner - Best Practice
- [Jersey] Annotation Inheritance
- [Jersey] Authentication header not set when using server-side LoggingFilters
- [Jersey] Base64 problem (I guess)
- [Jersey] Best practices?
- [Jersey] Best practises sending List request parameters using REST
- [Jersey] Bookmark Jersey Example
- [Jersey] browser accept header weirdness
- [Jersey] building Response from a collection?
- [Jersey] Business object for jersey
- [Jersey] ClassNameResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CLASSNAMES ignored with Grizzly Web and EmbeddedGlassFish test containers
- [Jersey] Common resource path issue
- [Jersey] Complet Stack Trace
- [Jersey] Connection refused
- [Jersey] ContextResolver , JSON and ERROR_JAXB_RI_2_1_10_MISSING()
- [Jersey] Controlling name of outermost tag when returning a list?
- [Jersey] custom media types
- [Jersey] Custom Natural JAXBContextResolver Problem - Single Element Arrays
- [Jersey] Decorating Resource Methods in Jersey
- [Jersey] default method?
- [Jersey] Different format in XML and JSON
- [Jersey] distribution to Glassfish ?
- [Jersey] Does JPA-injection in Jersey really work?
- [Jersey] Doubts regarding _at_Context proxies.
- [Jersey] encoding problems
- [Jersey] ExceptionMapper and Viewable
- [Jersey] Extending BookStore example to make books updateable
- [Jersey] Extremely slow response from jersey.dev.java.net
- [Jersey] Fwd: Jersey failing to deploy on GF v3
- [Jersey] Generating a param's required attribute in WADL
- [Jersey] GF 2.1 vs 2.1.1?
- [Jersey] Grizzly-in-process-based deployments
- [Jersey] Help with creating an OAuth Service Provider using Jersey OAuth Api
- [Jersey] How to assign MessageBodyReader to accept another MIME
- [Jersey] How to create 'global handles' with JAX-RS?
- [Jersey] How to get the value of a PathParam outside a Resource class
- [Jersey] How to handle exceptions when we need to display error msg in the same page that was served by GET
- [Jersey] how to install a ContainerRequestFilter using the SpringServlet?
- [Jersey] How to obtain issue fix in Jersey 1.0
- [Jersey] How to use Jersey with an extended class?
- [Jersey] How to use Jersey with an extended JAXB-class?
- [Jersey] I had found a bug for jersey1.0.1
- [Jersey] Injection question - Guice + HttpServletRequest
- [Jersey] Integrated jsonp how to set JSONWithPadding http headers
- [Jersey] Integratin Hibernate/JPA + Jersey + Jetty using maven2eclipse
- [Jersey] Issue with jersey 1.1.5: ClientAbortException, java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe
- [Jersey] Java equivalent of curl -F
- [Jersey] JAXB and object relationships
- [Jersey] JAXB to generate JSON
- [Jersey] Jersey + Hibernate/JPA error
- [Jersey] Jersey + Mysql + Hibernate/JPA + Glassfish v2.1
- [Jersey] Jersey dependency jars for java 1.5
- [Jersey] Jersey Issues with JAXB classes without @XmlRootElement - XSD, XJC, Inheritance
- [Jersey] Jersey Issues with JAXB classes without _at_XmlRootElement - XSD, XJC, Inheritance
- [Jersey] Jersey test framework & Glassfish embedded
- [Jersey] jersey-json _at_Consume POST
- [Jersey] jersey.dev.java.net
- [Jersey] jsersey 1.1.2 and spring beans defined in xml
- [Jersey] JSON (possible JAXB?) strangeness
- [Jersey] List<T> Use Sentence Case instead of Camel Case
- [Jersey] Loading files during initialization
- [Jersey] Logging filter is not working in MVCJ
- [Jersey] maven problems with the LATEST jersey artifacts
- [Jersey] Modifying JAXB Behavior for Returned Objects
- [Jersey] modifying jersey client requests
- [Jersey] Monitor Jersey
- [Jersey] more maven dependencies
- [Jersey] MultivaluedMap
- [Jersey] no-arg constructors (probably JAXB-related)
- [Jersey] Null parameters to resource methods?
- [Jersey] NullPointerException
- [Jersey] OpenSSO Identity Services Integration
- [Jersey] OpenSSO Integration
- [Jersey] OSGi support
- [Jersey] Packages to be exported/imported for Jersey jar files
- [Jersey] Problem marshalling JPA entity
- [Jersey] Problem(buig ?) with jersey
- [Jersey] Problems using JerseyTest
- [Jersey] Problems when deploying in Websphere
- [Jersey] Problems with URI content negotiations
- [Jersey] produce multiple resource types in a single method
- [Jersey] Question on Xhr ajax requests
- [Jersey] Raw stream processing at server side filter
- [Jersey] Recursive error serializing object
- [Jersey] Release schedule and status
- [Jersey] Resolving server's URI?
- [Jersey] RSA-SHA1 signature with OAuth
- [Jersey] Security with Jersey RestFul services
- [Jersey] Separation of Concern between Resource and Writer
- [Jersey] Setting the HTTP Reason Phrase in a Jersey response
- [Jersey] singleton resources
- [Jersey] State Client / HATEOAS proposal
- [Jersey] still problems with Enum
- [Jersey] StreamingOutput, multipart and boundary parameter
- [Jersey] Sub-resource locators for _at_Path("/{x}") and _at_Path("/")?
- [Jersey] Syndication feed for this mailing list?
- [Jersey] Thread access to _at_Context objects?
- [Jersey] Viewable is not able to resolve jsp path when integrated with Guice
- [Jersey] wadl with XSD
- [Jersey] WadlResource, stylesheets for Wadl documents, custom marshalling
- [Jersey] what means "rel" ?
- [Jersey] which ManagedBean can inject EJB ?
- [rest-discuss] confirmation URL ? GET ?
- [rest-discuss] hateoas - draft #1
- AbstractResources
- Accessing Request Parameters in MessageBodyWriter?
- Adding Header to Response
- Adjoovo Spaces REgiSTry with WADL support
- Annotation Inheritance
- Atmosphere 0.4 release date: roadmap
- Authentication header not set when using server-side LoggingFilters
- Base64 problem (I guess)
- Best practices?
- Bookmark Jersey Example
- Breaking changes in Lift cause build failure <was> Fwd: [Jersey] Build failed in Hudson: Jersey #2340
- browser accept header weirdness
- building Response from a collection?
- ClassNameResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CLASSNAMES ignored with Grizzly Web and EmbeddedGlassFish test containers
- Common resource path issue
- Complet Stack Trace
- Confirmation GET URL (summary)
- Connection refused
- Controlling name of outermost tag when returning a list?
- custom media types
- Custom Natural JAXBContextResolver Problem - Single Element Arrays
- Decorating Resource Methods in Jersey
- default method?
- Different format in XML and JSON
- distribution to Glassfish ?
- Doubts regarding _at_Context proxies.
- encoding problems
- Extending BookStore example to make books updateable
- Extremely slow response from jersey.dev.java.net
- Fwd: [Community Leaders] Update java.net status
- Fwd: [Fwd: java.net Planned Outage, Friday October 23rd, 4pm PDT]
- Fwd: CANCELLED java.net Planned Outage - Saturday, October 17th 8am PDT
- Fwd: java.net Planned Outage- Friday, October 30th, 2009 at 4pm
- Fwd: Jersey failing to deploy on GF v3
- Fwd: svn and java.net down?
- Generating a param's required attribute in WADL
- GF 2.1 vs 2.1.1?
- Grizzly-in-process-based deployments
- hateoas (design draft #1)
- hateoas - draft #1
- HEADS UP: change to depend on jsr311-api version 1.1
- Help with creating an OAuth Service Provider using Jersey OAuth Api
- How to assign MessageBodyReader to accept another MIME
- How to create 'global handles' with JAX-RS?
- How to handle exceptions when we need to display error msg in the same page that was served by GET
- how to install a ContainerRequestFilter using the SpringServlet?
- how to serialize enumerations ? (Jersey Client)
- How to use Jersey with an extended class?
- How to use Jersey with an extended JAXB-class?
- HTTP codes changing in Glassfish V3 ?
- Integrated jsonp how to set JSONWithPadding http headers
- Integratin Hibernate/JPA + Jersey + Jetty using maven2eclipse
- Java equivalent of curl -F
- JAXB and object relationships
- JAXB to generate JSON
- Jersey + Hibernate/JPA error
- Jersey + Mysql + Hibernate/JPA + Glassfish v2.1
- Jersey dependency jars for java 1.5
- Jersey Issues with JAXB classes without _at_XmlRootElement - XSD, XJC, Inheritance
- Jersey OAuth support questions
- Jersey test framework & Glassfish embedded
- jersey-json _at_Consume POST
- jersey.dev.java.net
- Jersey/JAX-RS integration with _at_ManagedBean
- Jersey/Tomcat multi-level context paths?
- jsersey 1.1.2 and spring beans defined in xml
- JSON (possible JAXB?) strangeness
- List<T> Use Sentence Case instead of Camel Case
- Loading files during initialization
- Logging filter is not working in MVCJ
- maven problems with the LATEST jersey artifacts
- Modifying JAXB Behavior for Returned Objects
- modifying jersey client requests
- Monitor Jersey
- more maven dependencies
- MultivaluedMap
- no-arg constructors (probably JAXB-related)
- Null parameters to resource methods?
- NullPointerException
- OpenSSO Identity Services Integration
- OpenSSO Integration
- OSGi support
- Packages to be exported/imported for Jersey jar files
- Problem(buig ?) with jersey
- Problems using JerseyTest
- Problems when deploying in Websphere
- Problems with URI content negotiations
- Question on Xhr ajax requests
- Raw stream processing at server side filter
- Recursive error serializing object
- Regression in 1.1.3-ea registering provider classed in the Application/ResourceConfig
- Release schedule and status
- RSA-SHA1 signature with OAuth
- Security with Jersey RestFul services
- Separation of Concern between Resource and Writer
- Setting the HTTP Reason Phrase in a Jersey response
- singleton resources
- State Client / HATEOAS proposal
- still problems with Enum
- StreamingOutput, multipart and boundary parameter
- Sub-resource locators for _at_Path("/{x}") and _at_Path("/")?
- Syndication feed for this mailing list?
- Thread access to _at_Context objects?
- using Form in JerseyClient
- Viewable is not able to resolve jsp path when integrated with Guice
- what means "rel" ?
- which ManagedBean can inject EJB ?
- Last message date: Mon Oct 26 05:35:08 2009
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT