Problems when deploying in Websphere

From: Dinesh Narayanan <>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 22:15:33 -0700

I developed a small JAX-RS app that worked fine when deployed in Jetty. Now
when I try to deploy this in Websphere,

I ran into the following issues
a) static files are not accessible even though I have the following entry in





b) When I try to access uri "http://localhost:9084/GuicyMyBrocadeWeb/login",
it prefixes "/" by default for certain resources ("
http://localhost:9084/GuicyMyBrocadeWeb/login/"). The wierd thing is that
this happens only for a few URIs. And this triggers two GET requests
   i) one for "http://localhost:9084/GuicyMyBrocadeWeb/login" - Firebug
showed me 302 status
   ii) one for "http://localhost:9084/GuicyMyBrocadeWeb/login/") - 404

Not sure if I need to set
'' to true in WAS 7.0.0.x.
Anyway setting it to true
also did not work. The logs indicate Jersey got initialized correctly.

[10/9/09 21:57:45:575 PDT] 00000017 PackagesResou I Scanning for root
resource and provider classes in the packages:
[10/9/09 21:57:45:591 PDT] 00000017 PackagesResou I Root resource classes
  class com.brocade.webportal.myHome.resource.MyHomeResource
  class com.brocade.webportal.myAccount.resource.HelloWorldResource
  class com.brocade.webportal.common.resource.LoginResource
  class com.brocade.webportal.myAccount.resource.MyAccountResource
  class com.brocade.webportal.common.resource.UserResource
  class com.brocade.webportal.common.resource.MenuResource
[10/9/09 21:57:45:606 PDT] 00000017 PackagesResou I Provider classes
[10/9/09 21:57:45:794 PDT] 00000017 WebApplicatio I Initiating Jersey
application, version 'Jersey: 1.1.2-ea 08/25/2009 04:39 PM'

Googling also did not help me much. Did somebody get Jersey up and running
on WAS 7.0. Help would be really appreciated here. I would really like to
Jersey for my new Apps
