I have recently implemented, thanks to Ken, integration with
This means one can inject EE artifacts on to root resource classes
that are managed beans. Just annotate the resource class with
@ManagedBean. For example:
public class ManagedBeanPerRequestResource {
@Resource(name="injectedResource") int injectedResource = 50;
@Context UriInfo ui;
To experiment you need to use Jersey 1.1.3-ea-SNAPSHOT and build 65 or
greater of GF v3 [1] (i have only tested on promoted build 65 of GF v3).
See the sample in the SVN (it will be available on the maven repo):
(see attached for a zip file)
To make this work you need to make two modifications to the sample:
1) Change classloader delegation in the sun-web.xml to false; and
2) Remove the provided scope from the jersey-server dependency in the