You're right. How stupid of me. :) Should have looked at the code more
deeply instead
of copy-pasting it from the blog.
Now I get the following jsons:
which I assume are correct.
Thanks for the help :)
Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Zoltan,
> Your problem is here:
> public JAXBContext getContext(Class<?> objectType) {
> return (types[0].equals(objectType)) ? context : null;
> }
> You are only using the JSONJAXBContext for the first element in the
> types array, thus the second item in the array never uses that context
> when serialized out as an representation.
> Paul.
> On Oct 8, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Zoltan Arnold NAGY wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> please see the code here:
>> I'm running it with latest JAXB (2.1.12), and latest Jersey (1.1.2-ea).
>> The JAXBContextResolver code comes from Japod's blog
>> (
>> now, if I fetch http://localhost:4343, I get:
>> {"a":[{"id":"10","blist":[{"value":"0"},{"value":"0"}]},{"id":"11","blist":[{"value":"0"},{"value":"1"}]}]}
>> and if I fetch http://localhost:4343/1, I get:
>> [{"value":0},{"value":1}]
>> and then here's the catch: if we reverse the classes' order in the
>> List (so declaring it like
>> private Class[] types = { A.class, B.class }), we do get a very
>> different JSON back, namely:
>> http://localhost:4343 will give back:
>> [{"id":10,"blist":[{"value":0},{"value":0}]},{"id":11,"blist":[{"value":0},{"value":1}]}]
>> and http://localhost:4343/1 will give back:
>> {"b":[{"value":"0"},{"value":"1"}]}
>> Is this to be expected?
>> If it is, why?
>> I just spend half an hour hunting this behaviour.. :)
>> Thanks,
>> Zoltan
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