jsersey 1.1.2 and spring beans defined in xml

From: gabriele renzi <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 14:30:45 +0200

Hi everyone,

sorry if this question is actually answered elsewhere, I spent a few
hours digging into google results spanning the last year and a half,
but in the end I am still unable to reach my goal: expose a bean I
define in spring's XML, using jersey-bundle-1.1.2-ea and

Basically I have code like in resources/frontendContext.xml

        <bean id="HttpFacadeBean" class="my.servlet.spring.SpringHttpFacade"
                <constructor-arg ref="aBean" />
                <constructor-arg ref="otherBean" />
                <constructor-arg ref="other" />

and the SpringHttpFacade is something like

// @Singleton //I tried with and without this annotation but my I
believe it should not be needed
public class SpringHttpFacade extends AbstractFacade {
        public SpringHttpFacade(Foo foo, Bar bar, Baz baz..) {
                super(foo, bar, baz, ...);
        protected something(){.. }

according to the docs at

this should work with the following web.xml


"Any root resource classes or provider classes declared by Spring (in
the XML configuration or by auto-wiring) will be automatically

I then packaged the war, and dumped the jersey and spring libs in
jetty's shared lib/ directory.

if I start the standalone jetty process with start.jar, though, I do
not get the familiar
"Root resource classes found" message.
and if I try to access the defined urls I get a 503 error.

I tryed tweaking the web.xml config, and adding @Singleton/_at_Component
to my class, but i am unable to workaround this issue, any suggestion
would be greatly appreciated, and excuse me if this was explained