On Oct 26, 2009, at 8:19 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> When a resource method produces several response types how do you
>> actually construct each response type?
>> For example, given:
>> @GET
>> @Produces({"application/json", "application/xml"})
>> public Response doGet(@QueryParam("x") String x) {
>> }
>> How do you know if you should construct a response with JSON or
>> plain XML?
> Unfortunately it will require that look at the acceptable headers
> (from HttpHeaders) and compare against those declared in @Produces.
Use the JAX-RS support for dynamic content negotiation:
@Produces({"application/json", "application/xml"})
public Response doGet(@Context Request req) {
MediaType types[] = {"application/json", "application/xml"};
List<Variant> vars = Variant
Variant var = req.selectVariant(vars);
SomeClass body = ...;
return Response.ok()
This will do the comparison of available and acceptable media types
for you and select the best match.
> I thought that the Content-Type of the response would have been set
> before the method call, but investigation of the code showed this
> was not the case. I am investigating fixing that so that you could do:
> @GET
> @Produces({"application/json", "application/xml"})
> public Response doGet(@QueryParam("x") String x, @Context
> HttpContext hc) {
> MediaType contentType = hc.getResponse().getMediaType();
> }
>> Is there any alternative to creating several doGet methods
>> (doGetAsJSON doGetAsXML, etc...), each with a single @Produces
>> annotation for each return type?
> IMHO if you need to do an if/else dependent on the actual media type
> produced it may be better to have separate methods. (although that
> may depend if you are deferring to a third party library or not).
> If the entity returned in the response is abstracted from the media
> type then an appropriate message body writer can be selected given
> the Java type and media type.
> Paul.
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