Hi Suneel:
Yes, you can build your own OAuth token service using the Jersey
signature (and server) API. I'm currently not aware of any examples
other than the prototype in OpenSSO. You could certainly take that code
and customize it for your own purposes.
On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 11:33 -0400, Suneel Marthi wrote:
> Hubert/Paul,
> I am presently working on a prototype that needs to implement OAuth to
> secure RESTful Services.
> I need to implement both a Service Consumer (the example you have
> provided here) and Service Provider.
> Looking at the Jersey OAuth extension, seems like it only supports the
> Client APi (for the Consumer) and the
> all that the Server API does is to verify the signatures on the server
> side.
> I did look at the OpenSSO extensions for OAuth, but using OpenSSO but
> I don't want to use OpenSSO on my project as it would
> be one additional piece that needs to be managed.
> Is it possible to implement a Custopm Oauth Service Provider using the
> present Jersy Oauth APIs?
> If so, I would appreciate if I could see some examples as to how it
> can be done.
> Regards,
> Suneel