- 3.1.1 Bugswat meetings starting 06/27
- [3.1.1] build failure
- [3.1.1] Review Request: pom.xml
- [3.1.1] Review Request: pom.xml and pkg_conf.py
- [3.1.1] review: Metro 2.1.1-b07 integration
- [glassfish~svn:47603] parent pom should be non-SNAPSHOT or define with relativePath.
- ApplicationContextFacade.declareRoles //TBD
- Build failing for 3.1.1 on new machines...
- build failure
- CDI BeanManager.addBean() question
- ContextNotActiveException
- FindBugs progress - 6/27/2011
- flooding by MNTG0201/MNTG0204 messages in server.log during QL tests (3.2 workspace)
- Fwd: how do I build dev test util classes?
- HTTP 502
- hundreds of warnings during QL on GF 3.2 workspace
- Interested in helping a research study on Eclipse?
- Is there a common GlassFish threadpool?
- JSF2 and JSP questions
- long GMBal stacktrace during QL (3.2 workspace)
- Maven Issues
- Minimal build
- Module owners: Immediate (3.1.1 & beyond) limitations in scope of DeploymentContext data
- Need help with AIX and Maven.
- odd JIRA query results
- Packager build performance improvement changes checked into trunk
- Participation Requested: Survey about Open-Source Software Development
- please review pom.xml change
- POM Change and Tree Refactoring
- POM Change Request
- pom change review - jersey 1.8 integration
- pom change review - jersey 1.8-ea02 integration
- pom change review - jersey 1.8-ea03 integration
- pom change review: jersey-1.8-ea04 integration
- Pom Change Review: JSF 2.1.2 Integration
- pom changes for appserv-tests/util/reportbuilder
- pom review (shoal integration into gf 3.2)
- Pom Review: JSF 2.1.3-b01 Integration (For 3.1.1 Branch)
- Refactoring DefaultServlet.serveResource
- Reminder: 3.1.1 Bugswat meetings starting 06/27
- Review Request: Pom (Trunk) For JSF 2.1.3-b01
- review: Metro 2.1.1-b06 and Woodstox 4.1.1 for GF 3.1.1
- security error during JPA/EJB QL tests (3.2 workspace)
- Seeking a development company
- stack overflow building 3.1.1
- Subversion is down?
- svn up problem - distributions/nucleus
- Tag for 3.1.1 Release Note Bugs
- UPDATE: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.1 schedule
- What is the meaning of this message?
- who owns 'com.sun.enterprise.registration'?
- who owns 'org.glassfish.admin.amx.impl'?
- Last message date: Fri Jun 10 11:15:37 2011
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:57:26 2017 PDT