Re: hundreds of warnings during QL on GF 3.2 workspace

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:44:07 -0700


Would the performance team complain because now with the security
manager on, we'll do 2 permission checks instead of one?


Bill Shannon wrote:
> I addressed this issue a few months ago; see attached.
> Byron Nevins wrote on 06/12/11 12:01 PM:
>> See SVN 47389
>> I've seen this before. Another REAL bug caused by trying to fix a
>> low-level FindBugs "bug".
>> FindBugs was complaining that the return value of mkdirs() was being
>> ignored. I added a utility method for dealing
>> with this exact problem. Please read and keep it in mind if you get
>> this FindBugs issue.
>> Here is the code from that checkin:
>> if (!resourceFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
>> errorHere();
>> Hmmm. What happens if the directory already exists?
>> This is the easiest fix:
>> *import static;
>> if (!mkdirsMaybe(resourceFile.getParentFile())) {
>> errorHere();
>> *
>> ==========
>> reference:
>> /**
>> * Wrapper for File.mkdirs
>> * This version will return true if the directory exists when the
>> method returns.
>> * Unlike File.mkdirs which returns false if the directory
>> already exists.
>> * @param f The file pointing to the directory to be created
>> * @return
>> */
>> public static boolean mkdirsMaybe(File f) {
>> return f != null && (f.isDirectory() || f.mkdirs());
>> }
>> On 6/11/2011 1:37 AM, Koper, Dies wrote:
>>> Hundreds of WEB0360 and WEB0361 messages are flooding my server.log when
>>> I run QL on the 3.2 workspace.
>>> Hudson continuous build has them too. Is this a known issue?
>>> Example of message in my server.log:
>>> [#|2011-06-11T16:30:36.020+1000|WARNING|glassfish3.2|
>>> ead-1;|WEB0360: Unable to create
>>> D:\sources\OSS\GF\V3\v3\distributions\glassfish\target\stage\glassfish3\
>>> glassfish\domains\domain1\generated\jsp\__admingui\loader_28513476\com\s
>>> un\webui\jsf\suntheme\images\commontaskssection|#]
>>> Example from Hudson's server.log:
>>> [#|2011-06-11T00:22:17.132-0700|WARNING|glassfish3.2|
>>> ead-1;|WEB0360: Unable to create
>>> /export/home1/java_re/BUILD_AREA/workspace/gf-trunk-build-continuous/gfv
>>> 3-gp/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/generated/jsp/__admingui/loade
>>> r_15638245/META-INF/resources/resources/jmaki/blockList|#]
>>> Build/artifact/bundles/server-gp.log
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dies
>> --
>> Oracle <>
>> Byron Nevins | Principal MTS
>> Phone: +1 6503958992 <tel:+1%206503958992>
>> Green Oracle <> Oracle is committed
>> to developing practices and products that help protect the environment
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> FindBugs errors - ignoring return value from filesystem operations
> From:
> Bill Shannon <>
> Date:
> Mon, 18 Apr 2011 15:07:30 -0700
> To:
> To:
> FindBugs complains if you ignore the error return value from a filesystem
> operation, e.g.,
> f.mkdirs();
> Be careful when fixing these errors. In many cases it's ok if the
> operation
> fails, e.g., if the directory already exists. The fix for the above
> is NOT
> if (!f.mkdirs())
> error(); // WRONG
> A better fix is
> if (!f.isDirectory() && !f.mkdirs())
> error();
> Also, be careful with filesystem operations that might behave differently
> on Windows. I recently got bit by some permission changing code. When I
> fixed it to fail if the permissions weren't changed, it failed on
> Windows.
> The permission changing method as currently implemented always fails on
> Windows. Ouch. In this case I chose to always ignore the return value.