On 6/10/11 11:02 AM, Mohsen Vakilian wrote:
> Hi
> I'm Mohsen, a PhD student working with Prof. Ralph Johnson at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Ralph
> is a co-author of the seminal book on design patterns (GoF) and his research group has a history of important contributions to
> IDE's.
> Our team [1] is studying how developers interact with the Eclipse IDE for evolving and maintaining their code. We are
> extending this invitation to expert open source developers like you and would greatly appreciate and value your participation
> and help in our research study.
Adding the glassfishplugins users mailing list to reach the right folks.
> To participate you should be at least 18 years old and use Eclipse Helios for Java development. As a participant, we ask that
> you complete a short survey and install our Eclipse plug-in called CodingSpectator [2].
> CodingSpectator monitors programming interactions non-intrusively in the background and periodically uploads it to a secure
> server at UIUC. To get a representative perspective of how you interact with Eclipse, we would appreciate if you could install
> CodingSpectator for two months. Rest assured that we are taking the utmost measures to protect your privacy and
> confidentiality.
> If you are interested, you may sign up at<http://codingspectator.cs.illinois.edu/ConsentForm>, which contains our consent
> form with all the details and procedures of our research study.
> Your participation will help us greatly as we try to better understand how developers interact with their IDE's so we can propose
> improvements which fit better with their mindsets.
> Thanks in advance for your time! Please do not hesitate to contact me (mvakili2_at_illinois.edu) if you have any questions or
> comments. More information can also be found at our FAQ [3]. Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who might be
> interested in participating in this study.
> --
> Mohsen Vakilian
> & the CodingSpectator team
> [1] http://codingspectator.cs.illinois.edu/People
> [2] http://codingspectator.cs.illinois.edu
> [3] http://codingspectator.cs.illinois.edu/FAQ