Re: Minimal build

From: Jane Young <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 17:57:35 -0700

Is there any changes in web/web-core/pom.xml? If yes, then you will
need to also build packager module.
Looks like you also need to build the module
"jdbc/jdbc-ra/jdbc-ra-distribution". The deployed artifact is a pom not
a jar. I need to look into this.

If you're building from a clean local Maven repository for the first
time, it'll take a while. But following builds should not be that long,
unless you're compiling with "-U" option.
One other note is that since you're taking the SNAPSHOT artifacts from
remote Maven repository, the GF bundle could be unstable. Might as well
build the entire workspace locally first then you can build
web/web-core, packager and then distributions modules after you made
changes in web/web-core module.


On 6/21/11 6:34 AM, Eirik Bjørsnøs wrote:
> Hi,
> What's the minimal build one needs to do in order to create a fresh
> distribution after a change in let's say the web-core module?
> This does not seem to be enough:
> mvn -f web/web-core/pom.xml install
> mvn -f distributions/pom.xml install
> Now I'm building from the top, which takes a while to put it mildly :)
> Any tips?
> Eirik.