Re: Tag for 3.1.1 Release Note Bugs

From: Rebecca Parks <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:08:41 -0700

On 06/27/11 10:57, Sathyan Catari wrote:
> Thanks! Could you please send out an email to dev_at_glassfish alias
> asking folks to mark the
> bug(s) with this keyword if they intend to document it in RN?
CCing the dev list. Please use the tag 3_1-next_release-notes for bugs
that need to be documented in the 3.1.1 Release Notes.

This is separate from errors in the documentation, which we will fix in
the books in which they occur, not the Release Notes. These should be
filed as doc bugs without the tag.
> We had one for 3.1 correct? So are you going to look at both 3.1
> release note tag + 3_1-next_release-notes
> tag to determine what to Release note?
The 3_1-next_release-notes tag is supposed to cover bugs that are new in
3.1.1, not old 3.1 bugs. Each 3.1 bug will be retained in the 3.1.1
Release Notes unless a reviewer asks to have it removed.

> On 6/27/11 10:54 AM, Rebecca Parks wrote:
>> The tag that Scott established for the 3.1.1 release notes is:
>> 3_1-next_release-notes
>> This goes in the Tags section of the bug report.
>> Rebecca