Re: review: Metro 2.1.1-b06 and Woodstox 4.1.1 for GF 3.1.1

From: Fabian Ritzmann <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 11:13:58 +0300

On Thursday 09 June 2011 19:06:03 Sahoo wrote:
> On Thursday 09 June 2011 09:33 PM, Fabian Ritzmann wrote:
> > On Thursday 09 June 2011 17:58:49 Sahoo wrote:
> >> On Thursday 09 June 2011 08:08 PM, Sahoo wrote:
> >>> Let me analyse the runtime impact of switching to Woodstox bundles as
> >>> well. I will get back in a while.
> >>
> >> After going through the email you had earlier sent me on this subject
> >> and having looked at the OSGi metadata of the new woodstox bundles, I
> >> see that they have stopped importing* packages with a
> >> lower version of 1.0, so I don't foresee any issues in runtime with the
> >> new bundles. You can check in after getting a confirmation about the
> >> licensing part.
> >
> > Cool, thx. We have a pre-approval to check in Woodstox 4.1.1 already
> > while legal finishes its review. (We already have approval for Woodstox
> > 4.0.8 and 4.1.1 only has minor bug fixes on top of that.)
> Please check for stax2 api as it uses a different license than what's
> used for other parts of Woodstox.

Yes, that's been submitted as part of the review request.

>> I am still running the QL and JSR 109 tests and will of course only check
>> in if they pass.

The QL tests are passing but then the log message check complains. Is that a
known issue or should I hold the Metro integration:

     [echo] Checking messages in:
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /ws/svn/glassfish_3.1.1/tests/test-output
     [echo] * Message keys logged instead of message:
     [echo] (none)
     [echo] * Parameter marker not substituted with value:
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:55:42.703+0300|INFO|glassfish3.1||
_ThreadID=17;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|end point determine destionation name, Res
name: javax.jms.Queue, JNDI name: MessageBean descriptor name : {3}|#]
     [echo] * Bundle not found:
     [echo] (none)
     [echo] * Messages not found in message bundle:
     [echo] (none)
     [echo] * No message:
     [echo] (none)
     [echo] * Messages with common typo's ('occured' with one 'r', 'dont'
missing apostrophe, etc.):
     [echo] (none)
     [echo] * Messages with double apostrophes:
     [echo] (none)
     [echo] * Messages with no proper message Id:
     [echo] /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java
     [echo] -Dgosh.args=--nointeractive
     [echo] -,org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime,,org.apache.felix.gogo.command,org.apache.felix.fileinstall
     [echo] Jun 10, 2011 10:52:09 AM null
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:52:09.173+0300|WARNING|null|null|
_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Record begin marker is not a proper value so
using default.|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:52:09.173+0300|WARNING|null|null|
_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Record end marker is not a proper value so
using default.|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:52:09.173+0300|WARNING|null|null|
_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Log Format field separator is not a
character so using default.|#]
     [echo] /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java
     [echo] -Dgosh.args=--nointeractive
     [echo] -,org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime,,org.apache.felix.gogo.command,org.apache.felix.fileinstall
     [echo] Jun 10, 2011 10:52:29 AM null
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:52:29.290+0300|WARNING|null|null|
_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Record begin marker is not a proper value so
using default.|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:52:29.290+0300|WARNING|null|null|
_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Record end marker is not a proper value so
using default.|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:52:29.290+0300|WARNING|null|null|
_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Log Format field separator is not a
character so using default.|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:54:03.256+0300|WARNING|glassfish3.1|
_ThreadID=21;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Method init defined on class
numberguess.InterceptorB will not be used for interception, since it is not
defined according to the specification. It is annotated with
@javax.annotation.PostConstruct, but is defined on the target class and does
not have 0 arguments|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:54:03.257+0300|WARNING|glassfish3.1|
_ThreadID=21;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Method destroy defined on class
numberguess.InterceptorB will not be used for interception, since it is not
defined according to the specification. It is annotated with
@javax.annotation.PreDestroy, but is defined on the target class and does not
have 0 arguments|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:55:30.297+0300|WARNING|glassfish3.1||
Login failed: Failed file login for j2ee.
     [echo] Caused by: Failed file
login for j2ee.
     [echo] ... 29 more
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:55:40.288+0300|INFO|glassfish3.1||
_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|ADDRESSLIST in setJmsServiceProvider:
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:55:42.703+0300|INFO|glassfish3.1||
_ThreadID=17;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|end point determine destionation name, Res
name: javax.jms.Queue, JNDI name: MessageBean descriptor name : {3}|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:55:53.889+0300|WARNING|glassfish3.1|javax.faces|
_ThreadID=26;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Multiple JSF Applications found on same
ClassLoader. Unable to safely determine which FactoryManager instance to use.
Defaulting to first match.|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:55:53.890+0300|WARNING|glassfish3.1|javax.faces|
_ThreadID=26;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Multiple JSF Applications found on same
ClassLoader. Unable to safely determine which FactoryManager instance to use.
Defaulting to first match.|#]
     [echo] START_TIMEOUT(ms):15000 WRITE_TIMEOUT(ms):10000
     [echo] multicast address:/ timeToLive=4|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:57:15.429+0300|INFO|glassfish3.1||
_ThreadID=57;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|The Admin Console is starting. Please
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:57:23.846+0300|INFO|glassfish3.1|
org.glassfish.admingui|_ThreadID=21;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Admin Console:
Initializing Session Attributes...|#]
     [echo] [#|2011-06-10T10:57:27.543+0300|INFO|glassfish3.1|
_ThreadID=49;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Successfully got INSTRUMENTATION:


     [echo] FAILED: check-logged-messages
     [echo] Issues found in one or more messages (see results above).
     [echo] Please address them, or if the message should be left as-is,
     [echo] add it to the exclusion list with details why it should be
     [echo] /ws/svn/glassfish_3.1.1/tests/quicklook/gfproject/log_msg_excl.txt

     [echo] [testng]
     [echo] [testng] ===============================================
     [echo] [testng] QuickLookTests
     [echo] [testng] Total tests run: 128, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
     [echo] [testng] ===============================================
     [echo] [testng]
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] Total time: 8 minutes 9 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Jun 10 10:59:34 EEST 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 23M/205M
