- 2nd try
- [Jersey] Maven repository changes - SNAPSHOTS
- Artefacts
- Building offline
- Coding standards
- continuous build + maven deployment
- Creating patches with add, remove, move etc.
- Facebook API
- For Project Admins: Instructions for linking migrated Downloads files
- Hudson build failing
- Indent (again)
- Java 6 & scripts
- Kenai migration complete: Documents & Files are imported
- localizer.jar & comresrcgen.jar
- Maven plug-in
- Maven repository
- Maven Support
- Merged
- Merging update200902 branch into trunk
- Merging???
- missing classes (svn)
- Mograte to mercurial / git and mavenize project?
- Moved everything one level up
- New version of the WADL specification
- Package names
- Patch
- Patch: Jersey Client Backend
- REAME.txt
- Rearranging the directory layout
- Suggestion of a change in Wadl2Java class
- Support for -Xauthfile or Authentication
- svn commit: r138 - branches/mavenization/source/pom.xml
- Updated WADL Spec
- WADL 1.1 released!
- WADL 1.1.1 released
- WADL documentation stylesheet updated
- wadl is now live
- WADL Maven Plugin
- WADL now a W3C Member Submission
- WADL schema location
- wadl2java location
- Wondering why there is never an official release version
- Last message date: Thu Jun 25 13:12:16 2015
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:16:11 2017 PDT