On Oct 13, 2006, at 6:23 AM, Wilfred Springer wrote:
> As you can see down below, I've basically added most of the
> libraries in
> the lib folder to the dependencies section of the pom.xml file. That
> means that the Maven build is no longer dependent on the files being
> present in lib; it will simply download them whenever they are
> required.
> I did however notice that there are quite a few libraries in lib that
> are not required for compilation. They may be needed at runtime, but
> some of them seem not to be required at all. (Like the JSR 250 API
> dependency.)
I just copied all the libraries from the JAX-WS 2.0 distribution. The
two you identified as not being required (JSR 181 and 250) are both
related to annotations that are supported by JAX-WS but are not used
by the code generated by the wadl2java tool since it uses the dynamic
Dispatch API under the covers rather than a JAX-WS generated SEI. I
*think* they can safely be removed.
Of the other libraries I wouldn't be surprised if some could also be
removed. Candidates include FastInfoset.jar, http.jar, jaxws-
tools.jar and saaj-*.jar.
I'll look into it and see if I can clean up the library directory a bit.
Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
Business Alliances, CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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