On Nov 19, 2007, at 11:49 AM, Wilfred Springer wrote:
> Ok, I will see when I can do that.
> BTW Is there any reason why the Subversion repository has trunk/www
> and
> trunk/source?
IIRC, this was how the repository was created by the java.net
infrastructure when I created the wadl project. I then added the spec
directory as a peer of www and source. The www directory seems to have
some special significance to java.net, i don't think there's any way
to have it use a different directory for the web content.
> It seems to suggest that - whenever you create a branch or a
> tag - you basically tag both the source as well as the web site.
That seems reasonable since the spec, source and web site are all
> The reason why I am asking is that Maven assumes a lot of defaults.
> One of
> the assumptions it makes is that every project basically has this
> layout:
> {project}/trunk
> {project}/tags
> {project}/branches
> ... and it assumes that root of the project to contain the root
> pom.xmlfile. If you prepare a release (mvn prepare:release), then
> Maven will (by
> default) try to create a tag in this tags directory. However, it
> will assume
> that the directory of tags is located here: {project}/trunk/../tags.
> So it
> will take the location of the root pom.xml file and locate the tags
> directory by going one directory up and find a tags directory within
> that
> parent directory.
> In our case, it would end up here
> {project}/trunk/tags
> since the actual root pom lives here:
> {project}/trunk/source/
> Now you *can* override the location of the tags directory in your
> pom.xmlfile, so I can do that. Question is if that is really
> desirable.
> Any thoughts on that?
Could we move the root pom to trunk and update the documentation to
have people check out the complete tree rather than just the source ?
> 2007/11/19, Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_sun.com>:
>> On Nov 19, 2007, at 10:27 AM, Wilfred Springer wrote:
>>> These two jars are currently still being downloaded from Farrukh's
>>> site. I
>>> think it would be good to have this changed, but I don't know the
>>> people to
>>> get in touch with to make sure they end up at the dev.java.net
>>> repository.
>>> Anyone has a name?
>>> Alternatively, we might create our own little Maven repository
>>> containing
>>> these two jars here http://wadl.dev.java.net/maven/.
>> If its possible to create our own repository that would be ideal. The
>> code that makes up the two jars is part of the JAX-WS RI but is not
>> yet available separately and that is a low priority task at the
>> moment.
>> If you need to create stuff at the above URL then just add the
>> directory maven under trunk/www.
>> https://wadl.dev.java.net/source/browse/wadl/trunk/www/
>> The java.net site adds a lots of UI around any URI in that space so
>> the repository URL will probably need to be
>> http://wadl.dev.java.net/nonav/maven
>> The "nonav" isn't part of the subversion directory tree, it just
>> indicates that java.net shouldn't surround the returned page in UI
>> stuff.
>> Marc.
>>> ---
>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.