On Oct 24, 2007, at 11:02 AM, Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>> (ii) You will still be able to use the ant plug-in included in
>> wadl2java.jar in ant-based projects that rely on wadl2java, e.g.
>> wadl2java_yahoo.
> Yes. Note that wadl2java_yahoo would be split into two separate
> sample projects wadl-sample-yahoo-ant and wadl-sample-yahoo-maven
OK, makes sense.
>> (iii) wadl2java.jar will additionally include a Maven plug-in
> No. The wadl2java-maven-plugin would be in a separate jar wadl2java-
> maven-plugin*.jar
>> Currently we have a continuous build that creates a binary and
>> source distribution (using the source-package and dist-package ant
>> tasks) that users can download from:
>> https://wadl.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?
>> folderID=7152&expandFolder=7152&folderID=7151
> We would have to modify the continuous build process to be using
> maven based build process instead.
Yes, I've confirmed that Maven is supported for that.
>> The binary distribution includes wadl2java.jar and all the
>> required runtime libraries so a user can download the
>> distribution, unpack it and type:
>> java -jar wadl2java.jar -o outputDir -p package [-a] [-c
>> customization]* file.wadl
>> The manifest in wadl2java.jar points at the required libraries so
>> there's no need to set the classpath on the command line. This
>> allows someone to easily try out wadl2java without having to first
>> build it or download anything else. I see regular downloads of
>> these two artifacts so I want to retain them after the switch to
>> Maven.
> Yes we should be able to this in maven as Wilfred suggested using a
> jar of jars or some such.
> This needs to be worked out and implemented.
OK, great.
Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.