Re: Patch

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 10:51:29 -0400

On Oct 24, 2007, at 10:34 AM, Wilfred Springer wrote:

> Let me clarify my previous email:
> I think what we are aiming for is
> * to drop support for building WADL artifacts with Ant
> * to continue to support to use WADL artifacts with Ant projects
Yes, IIUC that's what I think we are aiming for too. Just to make
sure I'll write that a different way:

(i) You will only be able to build wadl2java.jar using Maven
(ii) You will still be able to use the ant plug-in included in
wadl2java.jar in ant-based projects that rely on wadl2java, e.g.
(iii) wadl2java.jar will additionally include a Maven plug-in

Currently we have a continuous build that creates a binary and source
distribution (using the source-package and dist-package ant tasks)
that users can download from:

The binary distribution includes wadl2java.jar and all the required
runtime libraries so a user can download the distribution, unpack it
and type:

java -jar wadl2java.jar -o outputDir -p package [-a] [-c
customization]* file.wadl

The manifest in wadl2java.jar points at the required libraries so
there's no need to set the classpath on the command line. This allows
someone to easily try out wadl2java without having to first build it
or download anything else. I see regular downloads of these two
artifacts so I want to retain them after the switch to Maven.

Hope that's a bit clearer.


> 2007/10/24, Wilfred Springer <>:
>> Marc,
>> I am not entirely sure if I understand what you're saying, but
>> Farrukh
>> suggested to drop support for the Ant build completely. So if you
>> want Maven
>> equivalents for these steps, most of that will be done
>> automatically when
>> you do an official Maven release. Maven will build the a jar file
>> containing
>> the sources and a jar file containing the binaries and upload all
>> of that to
>> the Maven repository. It doesn't include the jar files upon which
>> it depends
>> automatically. If you want that (and I can see why you would need
>> that if
>> you want to continue to use the Ant task in projects that do not
>> use Maven
>> yet) then there is a way to produce some additional artifacts as
>> part of the
>> build.
>> I could work on a solution that will (with every build) also build a
>> zip/tgz file containing the jar file and the dependent jar files,
>> and upload
>> that to the Maven repository to with a release. I think that would
>> address
>> the needs of people using Ant. They would download this collection
>> of jars,
>> copy them over to their lib directory (or ANT_HOME/lib) and be in
>> business.
>> Is this what you meant?
>> Wilfred
>> 2007/10/24, Marc Hadley <>:
>>> On Oct 23, 2007, at 9:54 PM, Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>>>> * lib dir has been removed. This cuts out a lot of weight
>>> Forgive my Maven ignorance but how do the two distributions get
>>> built
>>> without the required jars, do the equivalent of the source-package
>>> and dist-package ant targets grab the required jars (for zipping
>>> with
>>> the wadl2java.jar) from a Maven repository as part of those build
>>> steps ?
>>> Marc.
>>> ---
>>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
>>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.