Wilfred Springer wrote:
> I was too darn lazy to figure out where the catalog is getting
> included. ;-)
I am not certain in general but with Netbeans 55 and mevenide2 plugin,
the catalog is automatically handled.
It is created under private/cache/retriever/catalog.xml in ${basedir}
for top level project.
It then automatically fetches and caches all externally referenced
schema and later used the cache to resolve refs.
You may want to try that out to get a feel for it.
Not sure if eclipse can handle it so transparently.
> We need to be careful with including stuff in src/main/resources
> though. Stuff in src/main/resources gets automatically included in the
> jar file. I don't think that would be desirable in this case, or would
> it?
You are right. Perhaps it needs to be under test/main/resources?
But in retrospect I realize that this should not be in source control at all
since IDEs like NB should handle it very transparently.
> Wilfred
> 2007/11/13, Farrukh Najmi <farrukh_at_wellfleetsoftware.com
> <mailto:farrukh_at_wellfleetsoftware.com>>:
> Wilfred Springer wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I noticed that I can't build WADL offline. It fails to handle the
> > xml:lang attribute in the WADL XSD.
> >
> > Wilfred
> That could be fixed via local copy of xml.xsd say under
> src/main/resources and placing an entry for redirecting to it to it in
> the XML Catalog.
> --
> Regards,
> Farrukh Najmi
> Web: http://www.wellfleetsoftware.com
> <http://www.wellfleetsoftware.com>
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Farrukh Najmi
Web: http://www.wellfleetsoftware.com